Home » There is an intersection of railway tracks, – the correspondent suggested why the Russians fired at the Chaplino station

There is an intersection of railway tracks, – the correspondent suggested why the Russians fired at the Chaplino station

by alex

Russia committed another war crime in Chaplin. Under rocket attacks, which were carried out by the aggressor country, 4 passenger cars were hit, in which there were people.told a correspondent from Krivoy Rog. He added that local residents, whose houses were located near the railway station, were also injured incompatible with life.

According to the head of the Dnipropetrovsk regional police department, Valentin Reznichenko, as of the morning of August 25, this terrorist attack claimed the lives of 25 people, of which 2 children. These are boys aged 6 and 11 who were playing in the yard at the moment when the deadly Russian iron arrived.

Why was the Chaplino station shelled

According to the correspondent, this could happen due to the logistical significance of the settlement. In Chaplino there is not only a railway station, but also the intersection of various railway lines.

“Perhaps the Russians believed that the Ukrainian army used it as one of the possible routes to replenish the ammunition of the army, who courageously defend the Ukrainian land,” – the correspondent suggested.

Watch the video: correspondent about the shelling of Chapliny

What is the situation in Krivoy Rog

According to the correspondent, on August 25, at about 2 am, several rockets arrived. As it later became known, Tornado-S multiple launch rocket systems stuffed with ammunition are prohibited by all international conventions.

“They flew to the central metallurgical region. There is destruction of some infrastructure facilities, residential buildings, but Fortunately, there is no information about the wounded or dead,” the correspondent noted.

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