Home » There is an important point – Klimkin explained Trump’s position on Ukraine

There is an important point – Klimkin explained Trump’s position on Ukraine

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There is an important point, – Klimkin explained Trump's position on Ukraine Angela Figin

In his speeches and interviews, US presidential candidate Donald Trump each time demonstrates a virtually opposite position regarding Ukraine and the war against Russia.

In particular, Trump recently spoke about the thousand-year history of Ukraine, and a few days later called the Russian military machine that defeated Napoleon and Adolf Hitler powerful. In conversation with 24 ChannelDiplomat, former Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine Pavlo Klimkin suggested whether Trump's position is threatening to Ukraine.

“Trump says all sorts of things. He doesn't have a structured picture in his head. He has emotions, a set of knowledge,” Klimkin said.

A Ceasefire Is Not a Strategy

The 45th President of the United States repeats the thesis at almost every rally that he will end the war in Ukraine in 24 hours. The former President of the United States may indeed try to de-escalate the hostilities.

Of course, he has levers, but de-escalation or a ceasefire is not a strategy. Therefore, it is important to talk to Trump that any consultations should be sustainable and strategic in nature, – the former Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine noted.

According to him, the Americans do not take foreign policy into account very much, perhaps with the exception of China, but they always take into account foreign policy mistakes.

It is important that this boomerang does not return. If we launch something, then with the confidence that we will bring it to the end together. I think that he is capable of perceiving such logic, – added Klimkin.

He also noted the importance of the telephone conversation between Volodymyr Zelensky and Trump. There should always be communication, and conversation establishes touch and personal contact.

“Here, of course, we are walking a fine line, since some Democrats will not like it. We must take such steps carefully and consistently, but we must be prepared for any scenario. After all, under both the Trump and Kamala Harris administrations, we will have many uncertain moments,” the diplomat added.

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