Home » “There are threats to take away parental rights”: infidels in Zaporozhye are preparing for September 1 in schools

“There are threats to take away parental rights”: infidels in Zaporozhye are preparing for September 1 in schools

by alex

Russian infidels threaten the parents of schoolchildren in Zaporozhye/collage 24 channels

On the territory of the occupied part of Zaporozhye, parents en masse refuse to take their children to school on September 1st. After all, schoolchildren will continue distance learning in Ukrainian schools and according to the Ukrainian program.

A correspondent from Zaporizhzhya told Channel 24 about this. He also noted that the Russian invaders realized that no one supported them, so they began to intimidate the population. such powers, but they actively resort to such intimidation. – reports a journalist from Zaporozhye.

The fight between the infidels and the locals continues, they do not shun any intimidation, the correspondent also notes. According to him, it is important for collaborators to compile at least some lists of those children who will nevertheless come to study on September 1.

The correspondent also adds that earlier Russian invaders threatened to “teach” those children who would not pass “testing”. They tried to organize “knowledge tests”, but there were very few such children, so they moved on to the next stage – mass intimidation .

The current situation in Zaporozhye during the day on June 27

In the Zaporozhye direction, the situation has not changed significantly over the past day. The main efforts of the Russians are aimed at maintaining the occupied territories.

During the day, the enemy made 47 attacks on the positions of Ukrainian defenders . The Russians attacked the Armed Forces of Ukraine with rocket and cannon artillery along the entire line of collision.

The invaders fired at civilian infrastructure in the areas of Gulyaipole, Orekhov, Preobrazhenka. The police received 19 reports about the consequences of the destruction.

The invaders are cynically robbing Zaporizhzhya farmers

According to the head of the Zaporozhye OVA Alexander Starukh, Russian infidels are trying to steal everything they can get their hands on. Property, medicines, humanitarian aid, crops – everything is under the close attention of the enemy.

He also added that the harvest begins next week, so the Russians are preparing for another robbery of our hardworking farmers. The invaders have already taken hundreds of thousands of tons of our crops to the Crimea, but this is not enough for the barbarians.

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