Home » There are positive developments: what they are talking about on the sidelines of the Brussels summit

There are positive developments: what they are talking about on the sidelines of the Brussels summit

by alex

The European Council summit is being held in Brussels. At the meeting of EU leaders, President of Ukraine Vladimir Zelensky spoke online.

Meanwhile, there was concern on the sidelines of the summit . Like, why Zelensky’s speech was in an online format, and the head of the Ukrainian state did not personally come to the summit. Presenter 24 Channel Alexey Pechiy told more about what European politicians are talking about.

The leaders of the European Union began its meeting with the question of the European budget. Currently, the budget in force in the EU was adopted back in 2020 for the period from 2021 to 2027. Accordingly, assistance for Ukraine in the amount of 50 billion euros should be included in it. Therefore, the budget issue needs to be reviewed globally.

At the summit, not only the issue regarding Ukraine is resolved, but also issues relating to the EU countries.

What they are talking about on the sidelines< /h2>

On the sidelines of the summit they say non-publicly that the position of many EU leaders is becoming more positive regarding the acceptance of assistance to Ukraine. At the same time, doubts remain regarding its format.

On the eve of the summit, the head of the European Council, Charles Michel, published a letter of appeal to the leaders of the EU countries. He called for compromise and the search for adequate debate.

During the European Council summit it became known that Hungary is not the only EU country that questions the speedy process of starting negotiations on Ukraine's accession to the EU. It also talks about Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, Croatia and Italy. And also about Greece, Slovenia and Slovakia.

These countries at the summit of foreign ministers noted that it was important that there be a balanced approach, equal standards and criteria for all candidate countries to join the European Union. Therefore, there is a definite hint that that next to Ukraine, the issue of starting negotiations with Bosnia and Herzegovina should also be considered.

This country appears very actively in all speeches of European politicians. Like, if you expand the European Union, you need to involve Moldova, Georgia, the Western Balkans, as well as Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Ukraine is ahead

Meanwhile, ministers admit that Ukraine has now fulfilled about 80% of the requirementsfor the first step – the start of accession negotiations. And Bosnia and Herzegovina – approximately 20%. Therefore, a certain dilemma arises. On the one hand, European politicians advocate identical approaches and decision-making in a “single package”, and on the other hand, they admit that there is a large discrepancy regarding the progress of countries.< /p>

There are rumors that the summit may not end on December 15th. It is assumed that it may be extended at least until December 16.

European Council Summit: the main thing

  • A meeting of the European Council is taking place in Brussels. On the agenda, in particular, is the fate of the European Peace Fund. It is expected that during the summit the 12th package of sanctions against Russia may be introduced. In addition, it is planned to discuss the transfer of frozen assets of the aggressor country for the reconstruction of Ukraine. And also – security obligations from the European Union for the Ukrainian state.
  • Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban threatened that he would block the opening of negotiations on Ukraine’s accession to the EU. As well as a decision on the allocation of financial assistance. Meanwhile, Brussels is convinced that this country is willfully undermining the unity of the European Union.
  • Before the first day of the summit, Orban said that he was not against the allocation of 50 billion euros for Ukraine. At the same time, he is against the start of negotiations on accession to the EU.
  • Meanwhile, the President of the European Parliament Roberta Mezola said that Ukraine has carried out many reforms for European integration in very difficult conditions. The next step should be to decide to start negotiations. Metsola noted that it should be based on the real achievements of Ukraine, and not on “political prerequisites.”

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