Home » There are people in Russia who work for Ukraine and prepare sabotage – GUR

There are people in Russia who work for Ukraine and prepare sabotage – GUR

by alex

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Kirill Budanov said that there are people in Russia who really work for Ukraine. Moreover, they are preparing sabotage on the territory of the aggressor country.

The head of the main intelligence department hinted that our agents were operating in Russia. He also commented on the constant “clap” behind enemy lines.

What Budanov said

Kirill Budanov commented on the attack on the Russian air base Engels in Saratov, which took place in December 2022.

The head of intelligence did not confirm whether our intelligence was behind these attacks or behind the explosions on the Crimean bridge. It should be noted that Russia used attacked bombers for attacks on the territory of Ukraine.

However, the major general said that he “expects more and that Ukraine has agents working inside Russia”.

This shattered their illusions of security. There are people who plant explosives. There are drones. Until the territorial integrity of Ukraine is restored, there will be problems inside Russia,” Kirill Budanov said.

The head of Ukrainian intelligence also said that the Kremlin should be wary of collaborators in its environment.

“Indeed, there are people with whom it is very easy to work with in this territory, people who understand that Russia should be different. And we support such people,” Budanov said.

Recent statements by Budanov and our intelligence

  • In the same interview, Kirill Budanov assured that Ukraine will have to do everything to return Crimea. According to the intelligence officer, the Armed Forces of Ukraine can return the temporarily occupied peninsula in the summer of 2023. It takes a lot of effort to do that.
  • Ukrainian intelligence also explained that the Russians have big problems with commanders at the platoon or company level. Enemies, even in forward units, lack up to 40% of junior commanders.
  • Our intelligence has also established that the Russians continue to hide the number of losses in the war in Ukraine. To do this, they carry mobile crematoria with them. At least 5 such crematoria were recorded behind enemy lines. In them, enemies are cremated without any identification or body count.

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