Home » There are parks where you can’t go yet, – the KGVA named dangerous places in Kyiv

There are parks where you can’t go yet, – the KGVA named dangerous places in Kyiv

by alex

Povoroznik spoke about dangerous parks and squares in Kyiv/Collage of Channel 24

Parks and squares were checked for explosives in Kyiv. Among them there are those where it is still dangerous to go.

This was told by the first deputy chairman of the KSVA Nikolai Povoroznik. According to him, it is mainly about parks bordering forest belts, especially in the direction of Pushcha-Voditsa.

Povoroznik said that quite a lot of explosive objects were found in some parks. This is not surprising – these territories were actually a war zone. In addition, the Ukrainian military mined their defensive lines.

He noted that in front of the entrance to the dangerous territory – a park, a square or a forest belt – there are warning signs indicating that the passage there is prohibited. It should not be neglected, because compliance with these restrictions can save lives.

Where the people of Kiev should not go: a detailed list of parks and squares

In addition, the KSCA said that a survey of the forest park areas of Kyiv was carried out by the identifiers of the GNP of the Main Directorate of the State Emergency Service of Ukraine in Kyiv and specialists of the Mobile Rescue Center for Rapid Response. Also, representatives of the administration published a detailed list of parks and squares, from which it is better to refuse a visit:

  • part of the Bald Mountain park,
  • part of the Kyoto park,
  • Park “Fighters for Freedom and Independence”,
  • Park “Desnyansky”,
  • Park “Muromets”,
  • Part of the park on Trukhanov Island,
  • Part of the park “Pushcha-Voditsa”,
  • Part of the Mariinsky Park.

KGVA assures that all other parks are safe to visit.

Important! If you see a suspicious item, do not pick it up or touch it. All found explosive objects should be reported to the hotline 101.

Let us remind you that at the end of May the list of dangerous parks and squares in Kyiv and its environs was much longer. During this time, specialists worked tirelessly to clear the city of explosive objects as much as possible and ensure peace of mind for the people of Kiev.

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