Home » There are no queues at the military registration and enlistment offices, Zhdanov said how Russians are trying to mobilize

There are no queues at the military registration and enlistment offices, Zhdanov said how Russians are trying to mobilize

by alex

The Kremlin and Russia's top military leadership are trying in every possible way to encourage Russians to go to war in Ukraine. An old proven method is being used – increasing payments to participants of the so-called “svo”.

There is not enough money in the state to increase monthly payments, but everyone who comes to the military registration and enlistment office and signs a contract is promised a generous one-time payment. Military expert Oleg Zhdanov told Channel more about this

The Kremlin’s main problem

“The problem is that today in Russia there is no queue at the military registration and enlistment offices,” said Zhdanov.

< p>Just a year ago, when those mobilized began to be paid 250 thousand rubles, there were enough people willing to take part in the so-called “svo”. Then, when the number of applicants began to decline, the Kremlin tried to compensate for the deficit by recruiting foreigners.

Syrians, Nepalese and other nationalities – this was compensation, – noted a military expert.

Now in Russia everything is plastered with propaganda advertising. On almost every pole there are posters with the inscriptions “Join the army”, “We must fight”, “Earn money” and the like.

As far as I understand, there is not enough money in the state and the Russian leadership cannot increase the monthly allowance, then they begin to increase the lump sum payment for the fact that a person came to the military registration and enlistment office and signed a contract, added Zhdanov.

Just for signing the contract the one-time payment is one million rubles, which is approximately 11 thousand dollars. The first such amount was in Bashkiria a year ago, and now such a figure is heard in the Moscow region. In this way, the Kremlin is trying to recruit people into the ranks of the Russian armed forces.

According to a military expert, after the inauguration of Vladimir Putin, another wave of mobilization may be announced in Russia.

Partial mobilization in Russia

  • According to Ukrainian intelligence, By June 1, 2024, the Russians must be ready to mobilize 300 thousand military personnel.
  • In addition, the Russian command is now developing programs for the rapid training of military units. Individual training, training as part of a unit and combat coordination lasts only 27 days.
  • In addition, Russia plans to avoid mobilization by recruiting contract soldiers. The monthly recruitment of new recruits is estimated at approximately 30 thousand.

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