Home » There are no arguments other than weapons – Russia understands only force, – Podolyak

There are no arguments other than weapons – Russia understands only force, – Podolyak

by alex

Russia understands only force, – Podolyak/Collage Channel 24

Russia and the top leadership understand only force. No intellectual conversations will help in dealing with a “gopnik” who boasts that he can bring anyone to his knees.

This opinion was voiced in an interview by Advisor to the Head of the Office of the President Mikhail Podolyak.

He stressed that Russia cannot admit that it is not NATO that is fighting against them, but Ukraine. In addition, they “forget” that they have entered foreign territory and kill foreign citizens, talking about some kind of dismissal.

does not support in any territory, they are simply hated. This entire army that entered Ukraine is not digested by all people. This is obvious, – Podolyak stated.

The adviser to the head of the President's Office noted that Ukraine is asking for weapons not because weapons are an end in themselves for Ukraine. According to him, Ukraine was a peaceful state, we had no offensive weapons at all.

“Offensive weapons are cruise missiles, which, as you can see, only Russia uses. It bombs our cities. We don't we bomb Russian cities, we don’t have cruise missiles, we don’t make Russian citizens wake up at night in some Saratov, Yaroslavl, Vladimir, Ivanu to the sound of sirens. No, we don’t do this,” Mikhail Podolyak emphasized.< /p>

Earlier, Podolyak said that a truce or any concessions to Russia are impossible. In particular, as long as Russian troops are on the territory of Ukraine. He explained that after certain concessions, the war would not stop, but would simply be temporarily stopped for a while. Mikhail Podolyak stressed: “Russian troops must leave the country, and after that it will be possible to resume the peace process.”

The United States will allocate another $40 billion to Ukraine

On May 21, the White House announced that Biden signed a law on the allocation of 40 billion dollars to Ukraine. The money will be used for military as well as humanitarian support for Ukraine.

When the Senate approved the bill on aid for Ukraine, Biden was not in the United States. The President went on a tour of Asian countries. In particular, in Biden's route – South Korea and Japan.

At the same time, there is no way to postpone the provision of assistance to Ukraine. That is why Biden signed the law at the exit, in the States, and during his visit to South Korea.

The equipment is on fire, and the infidels scatter in fear: watch the video

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