Home » “There are no adults in the White House: there is no one to restrain Trump from scandalous statements

“There are no adults in the White House: there is no one to restrain Trump from scandalous statements

by alex

“There are no adults in the White House”: there is no one to restrain Trump from the scandalous statements of Angela Figin < Source _ngContent-Sc214 = "" Media = "(min-width: 621px) and (max-width: 1920px)" Image/"Image) Webp " srcset = "https://24tv.ua/resources/photos/news/202502/2759801.jpg~6~v=1740299511000& amp; w = 768 & h = 432 & amp; fit = cover & amp; output = webp & amp; q = 70 "> < source _ngContent-SC214 = "" Fetchpriority = "High" Media = "(Max-Width: 620px)" Type = "Image/Webp" srcset = "https://24tv.ua/resources/photos/news/202502/2759801.jpg~6~v=1740299511000& amp; w = 480 & h = 270 & amp; fit = cover & amp; output = webp & amp; q = 70 "> < source _ngContent-SC214 = "" Type = "Image/Webp" srcset = "https://24tv.ua/resources/photos/news/202502/2759801.jpg~6~v=1740299511000&AMP ; AMP; W = 1200 & h = 675 & amp; fit = cover & amp; output = webp & amp; q = 70 "> < img _ngContent-SC214 = "" Class = "Main-news-photo" src = "https://24tv.ua/resources/photos/news/202502/2759801.jpg~v=1740299511000" Alt = "The scandalous behavior of Trump - why no one can restrain it - the 24 channel" Title = "The scandalous behavior of Trump - why no one can restrain it - 24 channel" >< IMG _ngContent-SC232 = "" Itemprop = "Contenturb" SRC = "https://24tv.ua/resources/photos/news/202502/2759801.jpg~6~v=17402995110 00 00 00 00 & amp; h = 428 & amp; fit = cover & amp; output = webp ">< p _ngContent-SC217 = "" AppinViewport = "" class = "News-Annotation" > < Strong _ngcontent-SC217 = "" > Donald Trump, “adults in the White House”. So they called the employees of the presidential administration who tried to restrain the infantile Trump and did not allow him to hooligate in world politics. 60 ~/p > < "ltr" > new administration It has a different situation. In a conversation with the Channel 24, a public and politician from the USA Yuri Rashkin explained why no one can restrain Trump from cynical speeches and ill-conceived actions. ~ 60 > 60 ~ H2 class = “News-Subtitle Cke-Markup” dir = “ltr” > “Trump went to The variety “

< p dir =" ltr ">The US politician noted that Trump will switch attention to other topics, in particular Panama, if he is crazy. And if not crazy and works according to the training manual and the decrees that Vladimir Putin gives, then it will not lag behind Ukraine.

< p dir = "ltr" > daily, on the contrary, escalation occurs because the tram occurs Can't wait. Therefore, he will put pressure on Ukraine. The US President is trying to put new frames to drive the Ukrainians into the corner.

< p class = "Bloquote Cke-Markup" dir = "ltr" > now he has gone in a variety. He is no longer restrained by “adults” because they are no longer there. Trump gathered around him people who say, they say, a good idea, said Rashkin.

60 ~ p dir = “ltr” > republican senators, from his words, bold ones can say Things, but then they still vote for Trump. The US President and his team thought out an action plan, how they got rid of unnecessary people, and the chaos that is now happening is a smoke curtain.

Imagine that the Americans voted for the prices of eggs, but received a man Putin. I think that Trump will not get away with it. At least the “adults” still remained in the country. Let's see how they will react to all this, ”added a politician from the United States.

< P DIR =" LTR "> in a white house there are adequate” adults “, but they are forced to become such Infantiles, like Trump, so that he does not drive them out of work. Despite this, in the United States there are still those who are not afraid to declare their position and disagree the actions of the president.

< p dir = "ltr" > in particular, the Governor of the state of the man Janet Mills refused to follow Trump’s decree prohibiting transgender women to participate in female sports. The American president threatened the woman that she would no longer be in politics.

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