Home » There are 5 armored personnel carriers left instead of 104: Kostroma paratroopers are crying because of problems

There are 5 armored personnel carriers left instead of 104: Kostroma paratroopers are crying because of problems

by alex

The Kostroma paratroopers, who were defeated by the Armed Forces of Ukraine near Kyiv, became hysterical. They do not have a lot of necessary equipment.

The relevant information was provided by the telegram channel, referring to the report of the occupier, who wrote all the problematic questions. He has at least 17 points there.

occupiers complain about the lack of equipment

The Russian occupier of the 331st airborne regiment wrote in his report “about problematic issues” that they have:

  • 5 armored personnel carriers left out of the regular 104;
  • 8 artillery systems per regiment;
  • no long-range shells . Out of the 400 rounds needed, they receive only 80;
  • no anti-tank weapons;
  • few night sights, thermal imagers, quadcopters, radios, etc.

Russian invaders complain about lack of equipment

The enemy also wrote in a report that they have at least 80 confirmed dead soldiers and 20 officers.

< h3>What is known about the activities of the enemy regiment

  • The Russian 331st Airborne Regiment from the Russian Kostroma initially unsuccessfully tried to take the Gostomel airport.
  • Subsequently, he also unsuccessfully participated in the battles in the Kyiv region, in particular in Bucha.
  • After failures in the Kyiv region, they were transferred to the city of Izyum, Kharkov region. That is, the invaders unsuccessfully and unsuccessfully played around Ukraine, suffered losses and now describe their problems to the leadership.

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