Home » There are 3 scenarios for the development of events: how Iran can react to a strike on military facilities

There are 3 scenarios for the development of events: how Iran can react to a strike on military facilities

by alex

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The real reaction of the Iranian leadership to the recent drone attacks will be revealed in no time. Israel, like the United States, is not afraid to show Iran its place in the civilized world.

Israeli journalist Sergei Auslender told Channel 24 about this. According to him, the events in Iran are the last US-Israeli warning about the country. =”ltr”>Sergei Auslander said that Iran has three options.

The first possibility is a missile strike using drones, ballistic missiles on Israeli territory, accusing it of strikes , he explained.

According to him, with a high probability such an attack will be repelled by air defense forces. However, a retaliatory strike from Israel would have terrible consequences for Iran.

“Here no one will be ashamed. And this strike will be a common Israeli and American one,” he stressed.

In his opinion, Iran is well aware of what such aggression can turn out for it.

The second option is within the framework of a hybrid of the war to organize some actions by the forces of their proxies: terrorist attacks, riots, rocket attacks on the Gaza Strip, he focused his attention.

An Israeli journalist commented that another way out of the current situation is to say that there were no strikes, and the drone attack was successfully repelled. He calls this Iranian behavior the style of Russian Lieutenant General Igor Konashenkov.

“Or there will be a certain hybrid of the second and third options, that is, attempts to organize a terrorist attack and statements that did not achieve their goal,” – he added.

In his opinion, it will become clear in the near future what strategy will be chosen in Tehran.

Sergey Auslender told what to expect from Iran after drone attacks on its facilities: watch the video

Israel's position towards Iran

Sergei Auslender said that Israel in this sense has always adhered to the policy of non-recognition.

There is such a strategy developed, if I'm not mistaken, in the 80s. It is called a war between wars,” he said.

According to this logic, Iran wages a hybrid war against Israel, and it introduces an identical policy in response.

“We never take responsibility for such strikes,” he added and stressed that the United States also reported that no strikes were made on Iranian territory.

Therefore, the question remained open because no one really knows the truth.

Is Israel ready to go all out against Iran

An Israeli journalist said that Israel's top leadership has repeatedly stated that it is ready to launch a military strike on Iran and put an end to the solution of the Iranian problem.

“Iran is a threat to us, is a threat to the very existence of state first,” he said.

In his opinion, as soon as Israel sees that Iran has come too close to the “bomb limit”, then such a blow will happen.< /p>

“In addition to this, joint Israeli-American exercises took place the day before, during which a strike on Iranian nuclear facilities was quite openly practiced,” he explained.

According to him, it is possible that strikes on Iran was a definite trigger. This country controls most of the ballistic groups located around Israel on the perimeter. For example, Islamic Jihad, proxies in Syria and others.

In our country, Iran is considered responsible for the surge of violence that is happening now,” he noted.< /p>

Strikes on Iran are a reaction to such a policy.

Purpose of strikes on Iran

Sergey Auslender explained that such strikes on Iran are probably not the last ones. Therefore, we are talking about a massive strike on Iranian targets.

What happened now, in my opinion, is a warning, this is the last US-Israeli warning from Tehran , he emphasized.

In his opinion, it could be viewed from two prisms. The first is from Israel in the style of “tie up nuclear weapons with these developments or we will solve this problem ourselves.”

“We have a lot of experience. We once closed the Iraqi nuclear program in such Thus, Syria and Iran, if necessary,” he noted.

According to the journalist, through the prism of the American worldview, such strikes can be considered to stop the nuclear program and interrupt Russia's assistance in the war with Ukraine.

All civilized people have united in a coalition, they support Ukraine. Only Iran is at odds with the civilized world – you need to show a little what the civilized world thinks about this, he said.

The Iranian nuclear issue is a direct threat. If the Iranians do not understand their mistakes, they will be given a “painful course of treatment”. dir=”ltr”>

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