Home » The WSJ called the attack on Iranian military facilities an operation of the Israeli intelligence “Mossad”

The WSJ called the attack on Iranian military facilities an operation of the Israeli intelligence “Mossad”

by alex

The attack on Iranian weapons production sites was successful and achieved its goal. The media suggest that Israel's special services, the Mossad, may be behind this.

This opinion was voiced by the WSJ. They noted that the “Mossad” pursued the goal of attacking the object of the Ministry of Defense in Isfahan in the central part of Iran.

To do this, Israel struck 4 strikes in different areas. Satellite photographs showed that the roof of the facility received minor damage, but people called the mission a success, without giving details.

These statements contradict statements by Iranian officials who claim that the country's air defense system repelled an attack on an ammunition depot that caused minimal damage.

Pay attention!The attack is the latest chapter in a long-term conflict between Israel and Iran, in which Israel uses sabotage, assassinations and drone strikes to cripple Iran's nuclear program and its capability to building conventional weapons, and Iran is arming militias along Israeli borders.

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