Home » The whole Russian history is theft of someone else's work, – Podolyak gave specific examples

The whole Russian history is theft of someone else's work, – Podolyak gave specific examples

by alex

Russia has been stealing other people's property for years and calls them its own/galinfo

For hundreds of years, Russia has been stealing other people's property and passing it off as its own. Advisor to the Head of the Office of the President Mikhail Podolyak named several examples that vividly prove this.

Theft is inherent in Russians almost at the genetic level. Now the military is taking mixers and sneakers out of Ukrainian houses. And before, their ancestors stole other people's work, passing it off as their own.

“Great Russian culture” is theft

If you didn't know, then the outstanding Russian artist Ivan Aivazovsky is not Russian at all . In fact, he is an Armenian with the surname Ayvazyan.

Kazimir Malevich, whose “Black Square” was heard all over the world, is a Ukrainian. Also, our countrymen are Nikolai Gogol and Mikhail Bulgakov, whose talents in Russia are trying to appropriate.

The first helicopter was invented by Igor Sikorsky. This “Soviet” inventor, after whom the airport in Kyiv is named, is a repressed Ukrainian. Together with him, the inventor of the satellite, Sergei Korolev, and Andrey Tupolev, who dealt with aircraft, were persecuted.

It was not without stolen songs. One of them is “Get up, the country is huge”, which the Russians wrote in 1941. It also belongs to the Ukrainians and was written in 1919. And the name of the song is “Rise, my people”.

“Rise, my people”, listen to the Ukrainian song stolen by the Russians:

All Russian history is theft of someone else's work. No wonder Russians are taking household appliances out of Ukrainian kitchens and sending them home. This is “great Russian culture,” Podolyak stressed.

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