Home » The White House spoke about the possibility of a conversation between Biden and Putin

The White House spoke about the possibility of a conversation between Biden and Putin

by alex

Joe Biden

Press Secretary of the President of the United States Jen Psaki spoke about the possibility of a conversation between American leader Joe Biden and his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin. RIA Novosti quoted her words.

According to Psaki, the White House does not comment on the possibility of dialogue between the leaders of the two countries. “But of course the president picks up the phone, talks to a number of foreign leaders, Europeans and others,” she said, adding that there are calls planned for the coming days.

On January 21, Psaki said that the new US President Joe Biden has not yet scheduled a telephone conversation with Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin. At the same time, she clarified that Biden would hold the first telephone conversation with Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, and then negotiations with “partners and allies” are expected.

Joe Biden was inaugurated on January 20, he became the 46th President of the United States. The ceremony was attended by outgoing Vice President Mike Pence, former Presidents George W. Bush, Barack Obama and Bill Clinton, along with the spouses. The anthem of the USA was performed by Lady Gaga. Trump ignored the ceremony, breaking a 150-year tradition, and left Washington a few hours before the celebrations.

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