Home » The West has the only way to destroy the monster fighting against Ukraine

The West has the only way to destroy the monster fighting against Ukraine

by alex

The West can stop Putin's Russia, which poses a threat not only to Ukraine/Commander-in-Chief

Recently, in his next address, our President Zelensky spoke about problems with obtaining even the previously promised military assistance, which is needed here and now, but there are constant delays, problems and so on from partners.

Simple steps to save the world

Not everyone, of course – the Baltic countries and Poland are doing everything they can, and this is noticeable. Great Britain does a lot. With the rest, everything is somewhat more complicated.

Everything seems to be simple. We need sanctions that are devastating for the Russian economy: an embargo on oil and gas, the closure of ports, the largest ban on citizens traveling abroad, the greatest transport restrictions – isolation. Well, Ukraine needs serious weapons (artillery, aviation) for the offensive in order to defeat the aggressor.

This is what the Ukrainian military-political leadership is constantly talking about, and what is allegedly already being done, but at a clearly insufficient pace. Although this is not only a question of the survival of Ukraine itself – Ukraine continues the struggle for civilization against barbarism, against misanthropy and the total destruction of everything.

But still, some doubts, some indecision remain. And the problem here, I think, is not only the price of the issue for the West, not only fears of a nuclear escalation on the part of the Kremlin. The question is also in inertia and misunderstanding of past mistakes.

This is how the Kremlin monster was born

The West could destroy sub-civilization after the end of the Cold War. It was enough to support internal separatism and not help the center, as they did all the 90s, tritely feeding them all “Bush's legs”. But then they were afraid, they chose the path of collusion with the post-Soviet elite of the state, which now carries the threat of destruction for humanity as such.

It was they who saved this monster, fed it, let it recover and grow, and now commit their crimes . They were afraid of the “proliferation of nuclear weapons”, wanted to “profitably trade”, and therefore for a long time turned a blind eye to the numerous crimes of the supposedly “democratic” authorities.

Now, perhaps, there are still hopes of at the head of “someone acceptable”, somehow “divide” everything, and return the comfortable world of the past, but these are illusions. Illusions that cannot but be harmful to the whole world.

Mistakes should not be repeated, but corrected, and support for Ukraine is the only way even now, at the cost of incredible losses and suffering of Ukrainians, to make a fundamental decision on the “destruction of Carthage “.

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