Home » “The West does not want to hear about it”: why the world is afraid of the collapse of Russia

“The West does not want to hear about it”: why the world is afraid of the collapse of Russia

by alex

Kremlin dictator Vladimir Putin suddenly started talking about the collapse of Russia. However, all the statements of the head of the aggressor country are only the fruit of his crazy imagination.

Russian opposition politician Gennady Gudkov told Channel 24 about this. In particular, the head of the Kremlin said that the West allegedly seeks to divide Russia.

In Putin's fictional reality, the West allegedly wants to partition Russia in order to control it. The Kremlin dictator questioned the preservation of the Russian ethnic group in the form that it is now.

As the Russian oppositionist noted, there are only 2 reasons why the head of the Kremlin made such a statement.

  1. Putin messed up.
  2. The dictator has completely lost his mind.

Putin himself is leading Russia to disintegration

In addition to statements about the possible collapse of his country, Vladimir Putin also suddenly started talking about the presidential elections due in 2024. The head of the Kremlin said that the elections in Russia will be held democratically. Gudkov stressed that this is complete nonsense.

Elections in Russia are like elections of a “godfather” in a large prison. What kind of democracy are we talking about? Putin destroyed everything that was connected with democracy, human rights and civilization in Russia, the oppositionist said.

He added that the Russian dictator himself is leading Russia to disintegration and the end of its centuries-old history. Gudkov suggested that at last Putin himself began to realize this.

“If anything happens to Russia, it will be completely moral and legal fault of Putin. It would be good if he lived to see the tribunal over himself ,” Gudkov said.

Stream by Igor Gavrishchak and Gennady Gudkov: watch the full video

Why the West is afraid of the collapse of Russia

Gudkov is convinced that the head of the Kremlin concluded that the West is trying to destroy Russia only on the basis of its own political madness. The oppositionist said that in the West, on the contrary, they fear the collapse of Russia.

No one in the West even wants to hear that Russia may fall apart. Western countries are well aware of what problems can arise and what a catastrophe can happen to the world if this happens,” Gudkov said.

He noted that Russia is not the Soviet Union. And if the terrorist country begins to collapse, then this will happen according to a completely different scenario than it was in the case of the USSR.

Why the collapse of Russia will not be the same as the collapse of the USSR

The oppositionist said that in 1991, when the Russians tried to storm the White House in Moscow, the leadership of the Union ordered the military and special services to shoot at civilians. But the security forces refused to do so.

“There was a fairly homogeneous society in the USSR. This homogeneity saved the Soviet Union from a big civil war. Everyone was on one side, there were no big differences and disagreements between people,” Gudkov said.

And where there were certain contradictions, wars began. In particular, we are talking about:

  • conflict between Armenia and Azerbaijan;
  • Georgia with Abkhazia;
  • military operations in Moldova.

“Russia is woven from contradictions”

The situation in today's Russia is radically different than it was in the Soviet Union.

Now Russia is woven from contradictions. This is one big continuous tangle of contradictions, – Gudkov emphasized.

According to him, in Russia there are misunderstandings and conflicts between:

  • rich and poor;
  • regions and Moscow;
  • Putinists and opponents of the current dictator;
  • there are also certain differences on religious grounds.

Possible consequences of the uncontrolled collapse of Russia

The Russian oppositionist noted that the poles of hatred are clearly expressed in modern Russia.

If now the country begins to fall apart uncontrollably, it will become a gigantic platform for horrific cruelty and civil war. Gudkov said.

According to the politician, the uncontrolled collapse of Russia will lead to grave consequences. Among them are a multimillion-dollar flow of refugees and unpredictable seizures of nuclear arsenals. The politician said that the Western world is well aware of all these threats, and therefore does not want to consider the scenario of the collapse of Russia.

Why Putin announced the collapse of Russia: briefly

  • Colonel of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, military expert Roman Svitan believes that the Kremlin is spreading statements about the threat of the collapse of Russia in order to prepare the Russians for the exit from Ukraine, and for the exit with defeat.
  • Roman Svitan is convinced that the Russian leadership will try to show off its shameful defeat in the war for victory. After the withdrawal of troops from Ukraine, the Kremlin can say that in this way it saved Russia.
  • Russian opposition journalist Igor Yakovenko said that the West is most afraid of the collapse of Russia, and therefore will make efforts to preserve it.

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