Home ยป “The weakening of Russia has begun”: a political scientist said that Putin's last speech showed

“The weakening of Russia has begun”: a political scientist said that Putin's last speech showed

by alex

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Russia's weakening has already begun. In particular, these processes continue in the environment of the Russian dictator Vladimir Putin.

The Russian elite is already beginning to think what to do next and whether there are alternative scenarios. Political scientist Igor Reiterovich told Channel 24 about this.

The weakening of Russia has already begun

However, the speed of the processes of internal disintegration in Russia and the attempts of the elite to find some alternative path will directly depend on the success of our Armed Forces.

The more success we get on the battlefield, the more difficult the situation inside Russia will be. Putin's latest speech showed that he has no vision of what to do next – he just goes with the flow. And if he does this, then it depends on us how quickly he will swim to his final, – the political scientist noted.

According to him, in this context, we just need to do our job – each in his place and to the best of his ability. In the end, this will lead to the fact that Russia will be forced to get out of the territory of Ukraine. In addition, processes will begin in the aggressor country that will last a long time, but will end with the fall of the Kremlin regime.

Reiterovich noted that Russia is already weakening: watch the video

Problems in Russian power circles: what is known

  • Western media reports that Vladimir Putin was preparing a full-scale invasion of Ukraine in secret from his entourage. This caused dissatisfaction among the elites, in particular, the Russian oligarchs, who were “confused” when they learned about Russian aggression in Ukraine.
  • Timur Olevsky, a Russian opposition journalist for The Insider, does not believe in such a course of events. He noted that on the eve of the invasion, Russia pulled hundreds of thousands of troops to the border with Ukraine. It is hard to believe that people who have billions, which means they have their own economic and political intelligence, did not know about the impending full-scale invasion
  • Due to Joe Biden's recent visit to Ukraine in the swamps they howl more and more, not forgetting to invent new fairy tales. Thus, Deputy Chairman of the Russian Security Council Dmitry Medvedev said in his telegram channel that the visit of the US President testifies to his oath to the “neo-Nazi regime to the grave.” However, he apparently conveniently forgot the signs of Nazism and which state corresponds to them all.
  • In January, Sergei Surovikin was removed from his post as commander of the joint group of troops in Ukraine. The head of the Main Intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of Defense, Kirill Budanov, explained that the “butcher” was replaced by Valery Gerasimov as a result of internecine struggle.

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