Home » The war did not break her spirit: a volunteer girl who can become a symbol of the invincibility of the people

The war did not break her spirit: a volunteer girl who can become a symbol of the invincibility of the people

by alex

Since the beginning of a full-scale war, many Ukrainians have joined the army to defend the independence and the very existence of Ukraine. Among them was an 18-year-old girl, Rusya, who, despite her young age, joined the volunteers.

As the heroine herself explained, she could not stand aside from trouble. And therefore, despite her young age and despite everything “scary” and “war is not for everyone,” she volunteered for the ranks of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

Ears of the Armed Forces of Ukraine

Rusya quickly received the position of a communications operator, after which she worked almost around the clock: day and night. She remained a liaison until the wound on February 10. Her job was to receive and transmit information to the command about:

  • exits and arrivals of shells,
  • movement of equipment
  • infantry,
  • any suspicious sounds or explosions.

These are, in fact, the ears of our Armed Forces,” the photographers emphasized on their Instagram page.

Despite being seriously wounded, Rusya does not give up

The effective work of the girl was interrupted by mortar shelling, which hit the car during a combat mission. As a result, Rusya, unfortunately, lost her leg. However, doctors say that another 10 seconds and could lose a life.

After that, the first two days in the hospital, Rusya cried non-stop, and then decided to fight. Moreover, as the photographers emphasized, she wants to become an example for everyone who lost limbs in this war, and to show that despite all the difficulties, an active full life does not end. And also that, no matter what, you can be happy.

The defender of Ukraine lost her leg in the war / Photo by Konstantin and Vlast Liberov

Rus', which bravely began to defend the life of every Ukrainian, is waiting ahead for super-heavy rehabilitation and prosthetics.

But we have no doubt that this girl will not go astray. And she can become a symbol of invincibility. She already has them. Like each and every one who went to defend our country with you. It is because of people like Rusya that they have not been able to break us for a year now. And they will never break, – the photographers emphasized.

Note! Konstantin and Vlada Liberov also noted the young defender's Instagram page. Anyone can support her with words and money.

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