Home ยป The Verkhovna Rada again began to work in the interests of the oligarchs

The Verkhovna Rada again began to work in the interests of the oligarchs

by alex

Alarm signal from the Parliament/Channel 24

Why privileges are bad

I think this is a bad economic politics. Any unequal conditions are bad.

Business conditions should be the same for everyone throughout the country.

If there is any benefit that stimulates economic development, it should be for all industries countrywide. For example, if there is a privilege for technological equipment for starting a new business (and this is a good economic incentive), it should be for all enterprises in all industries in all regions.

Privilege economy

This is exactly the approach calls “open access” Douglas North, Nobel laureate in economics. And he calls privileges not for everyone “limited access”.

In simpler terms, “limited access” is an economy of privileges, that is, sorry, a new feudalism.


I was against industrial parks – this creates privileges for those who could lobby for the inclusion of their beloved in the list of industrial parks. And we know people who lobbied for this precisely in order to obtain privileges that others do not have.

This, in fact, is called the “oligarchic economy” – the same kind of privilege economy as feudalism and socialism.

p> So, on Tuesday the parliament worked for the oligarchs. Well done, thank you.

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