Home » The vast majority of Ukrainians were not ready for war

The vast majority of Ukrainians were not ready for war

by alex

The war destroyed the illusions of millions of people/Channel 24 years repeated this phrase about 250 times: “Russia does not recognize the Ukrainian nation and its right to the Ukrainian state.” And that this will lead to a bloody war of conquest if we do not start building, first of all, a mental border with Russia and the “Russian world”.

Now thank you

This was heard live about 2 500 people. Of these, at least 500 made the right conclusion and began to prepare for war in advance.

Where did the figure come from? Because since February 24 they told me about it. Maybe there are more of them, just not all of them said it.

But I also know for sure that most of them did not listen to me, did not believe me, treated me lightly …

I recently had a visit from one of my graduates, who on February 22 heard H * il's speech about the same thing that I have been talking about for 7+ years, took the whole family in an armful and did not calm down until they were safe. He tried to persuade his colleagues to do the same, but he could not. They are under occupation now.

The sad truth

The absolute majority of Ukraine was not ready for war.

I would gladly increase the number of those trained, but I didn’t have such capabilities. And he didn't.

Because people don't want to think in their majority. Still. Because the “scoop” and the “Russian world” teach not to think.

How many and what weapons are needed for the victory of Ukraine – watch the video:

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