Home » The USSR could not create problems for it: why does Putin threaten Finland

The USSR could not create problems for it: why does Putin threaten Finland

by alex

Vladimir Putin warned that Finland may experience ” Problems”. He even ordered the creation of a new military district in the regions bordering the country.

Political strategist Boris Tizenhausen suggested to Channel 24, why the head of the Kremlin is throwing threats towards the Scandinavian country. The Russian president seems to be copying Joseph Stalin, who once attacked Finland and wanted to achieve insane success.

Again blames the West

In an interview on December 17, Putin falsely claimed that the West had “pulled” Finland into NATO. However, the state made this decision abruptly. Immediately after Russia attacked Ukraine on February 24, 2022. Sweden subsequently announced its intention to join the North Atlantic Alliance.

If we blame or thank anyone for the expansion of NATO, it would be Putin. No one else has done as much as he has done. Russians, by the way, take a closer look, perhaps there is a pro-American traitor sitting there. NATO taxes you, and then pop, they’ll attack you, and you’re screwed,” said the political strategist.

Putin threatened to create a new military district near the border with Finland – Leningradsky. However, it’s all in vain. The Russian president will not achieve the desired result.

In 2010, then Russian President Dmitry Medvedev signed a decree on the liquidation of the Moscow and Leningrad military districts. On their basis, the Western Military District was created, to which the territories of the abolished districts were transferred.

The situation is reminiscent of the events in the USSR

On November 30, 1939, the Soviet Union attacked Finland in an attempt to create a puppet government. The military leaders planned to seize the country in 20 days, march to Helsinki, making a gift for Joseph Stalin's birthday on December 21.

“Everything was the same. They themselves fired at the border points. As usual, the Finns were accused of wanting to attack the Soviet Union <..> Yes, in the end they took away the territory, but the Finns “bent them over” so much that after that Adolf Hitler looked at the “big” red army and also wanted to attack them,” Tizenhausen emphasized.

NATO needs to involve the sanctions component in order to destroy the Russian economy forever, primarily for its own good. After all, anything can come to Vladimir Putin’s head and he will order an attack on the Euro-Atlantic community. The head of the Kremlin has nothing to lose.

Russia and Finland: what is known

  • At the end of November, Prime Minister Petteri Orpo announced that Finland would close all border crossings with Russia until December 13 due to the flow of migrants, mainly from the Middle East, trying to cross the border and seeking asylum.
  • Finland said Russian authorities are deliberately encouraging migrants to go to Finland in an attempt to destabilize the country. Last week, Finland briefly opened two checkpoints, but a day later reversed this decision due to a renewed flow of migrants.
  • The Kremlin reacted to Finland's closure of land borders with Russia. Russian President Putin's spokesman Dmitry Peskov said that there is no conflict as such. Finland is not threatened by anything or anyone. It seems that “there is no threat and no tension on the border.” According to him, tension may arise during the concentration of additional units on the Russian-Finnish border.

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