Home ยป The US feared the intervention of China in the elections through TikTok

The US feared the intervention of China in the elections through TikTok

by alex

A group of senators from the Republican party of the United States is concerned that China may interfere in the presidential election of 2020. About it reports Reuters.

Senators Marco Rubio (Florida), Kevin Cramer (North Dakota), Tom cotton (Arkansas), Ted Cruz (Texas) and several of their colleagues approached the administration of the American President Donald trump and asked to assess the risk of interference by Beijing. They were afraid that with TikTok, the Chinese government can “sow discord among Americans.”

It is noted that lawmakers sent a letter to the heads of the FBI, National intelligence and homeland security. In it they pointed out the possible cases of censorship in TikTok, and the alleged attempts of the Chinese authorities to manipulate political debate. In addition, the senators asked whether the American authorities to impose sanctions against Chinese companies ByteDance (developer TikTok) that attempts to influence the electoral process is confirmed.

Plans to ban in the USA TikTok said the US Secretary of state Mike Pompeo in early June. According to him, Washington is really thinking about the restrictions on the installation of the Chinese apps, but no concrete decision yet to be taken. “[You can install TikTok] if you do not mind that personal data will be in the hands of the Communist party of China,” said Pompeo.

Chinese app has already decided to block in Hong Kong. This decision was taken in connection with the consideration by the authorities of the PRC law on national security.

App TikTok appeared in 2017, its developed by a Chinese company ByteDance. Basically the app is used by teenagers and younger children.

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