Home » The United States is ready to take part in the Global Peace Summit at the invitation of Ukraine

The United States is ready to take part in the Global Peace Summit at the invitation of Ukraine

by alex

The United States State Department confirmed the intention of the delegation from Washington to join the Global Peace Summit, which will be held this year in Switzerland.

Ambassador Yuri Kim, First Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs, said this when answering a question from journalists about US participation at this conference.

— As for the international discussions on the World Formula, we have participated from the very beginning and will continue to be present, — the diplomat emphasized.

At the same time, Kim did not voice the level of the American delegation at this summit.

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Global Peace Summit 2024

January 15, Kyiv and Bern announced the start of preparations for the Global Peace Summit at the leader level.

The theme of the summit will be the already well-known Peace Formula, presented by President Vladimir Zelensky.

США готовы принять участие в Глобальном саммите мира по приглашению Украины

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