Home » The United States is preparing a law that will allow the transfer of arrested funds of Russia to Ukraine

The United States is preparing a law that will allow the transfer of arrested funds of Russia to Ukraine

by alex

The United States is preparing a law that will allow the transfer of arrested funds to Russia to Ukraine/Collage of Channel 24

In the United States of America, a bill has begun to be prepared regarding the arrested funds of Russia. They will probably soon be able to transfer them to Ukraine.

This became known on April 18 from CNN material. Now the details of the mechanism that allows paying off the aggressor have already been made public.

How it will work

They want to pass the bill so that Ukraine can receive compensation for the Russian aggression. To do this, our state will need only a few steps:

  • sue Russia in the United States for the destruction of objects;
  • the court finds Russia guilty;
  • then they will immediately determine the amount of compensation that Ukraine will receive for restoration.

Money will be taken from all assets of banks, people and structures previously subjected to sanctions blocking. Consequently, it will be much easier for our economy to recover from everything that happened during the war.

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