Home » The United States can send troops to Ukraine if the Russian Federation refuses a peace agreement – Vance

The United States can send troops to Ukraine if the Russian Federation refuses a peace agreement – Vance

by alex

< IMG Title = "The United States can send troops to Ukraine if the Russian Federation abandon the peace agreement- Wies" Width = "632" Height = "356" SRC = "https://cdn.fakty.com.ua/wp- Content/uploads/2024/07/15/dzhej-di-over-632x356.jpg "class =" attachment-_as_632_356 size -_as_as_as_as_632_356 WP-Post-Image "alt =" Jay di Vincess "SRCSET =" HTTPS : //cdn.fakty.com.ua/wp-content/uploads/2024/07/15/dzhej-di-vens-632x356.jpg 632W, https://cdn.fakty.com.ua/wp-content/uploads/2024/07/15/dzhej-di-vens-300x169.jpg 300W, https://cdn.fakty.com.ua/wp-content/uploads/2024/07/15/dzhej-di-Vens- 768x432 .jpg 768W, https://cdn.fakty.com.ua/wp-content/uploads/2024/07/15/dzhej-vens--200x113.jpg 200w, https://cdn.fakty.com. UA/WP-Content/Uploads/2024/07/15/DZheJ-Di-Di-Vens-.jpg 1280W "Sizes =" (Max-Width: 632PX) 100VW, 632PX "Decoding =" ASYNC "/> < p > US Vice-President < Strong > Jay Dance he said that the US will consider the tightening of sanctions and possibly sending American troops if the Russian dictator is < Strong > Vladimir Putin will not agree to a peace agreement on the end of a full -scale war, which will guarantee the long -term independence of Ukraine. about this to Jay Di Vance said in an interview with Wall Street Journal.

< h2 > ji di wence about sending US troops to Ukraine

< p > Therefore, US Vice-President Jay Di Wence does not exclude the sending of the US military to Ukraine if Putin does not agree to a peace agreement.

are now watching < p > — There are economic tools of influence, of course, there are military tools that the United States can use against Putin, — said Wence.

< p > According to the vice president, the option of sending American troops to Ukraine “remains on the table” if the Kremlin does not go to conscientious negotiations to resolve a full-scale war. < p > < p >— I think there is an agreement that can be concluded with Putin. And I think that from this you will make an agreement that shocks many people. President Trump does not plan to go to a meeting with his eyes closed. He will say: “Everything is on the table, let's make a deal”, — said Wence.

< p > according to the vice-president of the United States, it is too early to talk about what part of the territory of Ukraine can remain under the occupation of Russia, or what guarantees of security America and other allies can offer Kyiv. ~ 60 > < p > Wence emphasized that these details should be worked out during peace negotiations.

< p > — There are any formulations, configurations, but we take care that Ukraine has sovereign independence, — He assured the Wence.

< p > according to Wans, the Trump administration will try to convince Putin that Russia will reach more negotiations at the battlefield.

< p > at the same time, the US Vice-President agreed that Trump can change his opinion depending on how negotiations are unfolding.

< p > — President Trump may say: “Listen, we don’t want it, we may not like it, but we are ready to return this issue to the negotiations, if the Russians are not good partners in negotiations, or if there are things that are very important for Ukrainians that we are wearing , perhaps, we want to remove the negotiations from the table, — said Wence.

< p > recall that earlier the head of the Pentagon is < strong > Pete Hegset stated that the administration of President Donald Trump does not intend to send American troops to Ukraine, in particular to track the transfer weapons.

< p >

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