Home » The unemployed in Ukraine will be involved in public works

The unemployed in Ukraine will be involved in public works

by alex

Unemployed Ukrainians will work in public works/Collage Channel 24

Prime Minister of Ukraine Denys Shmigal spoke about this at a meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers on June 21. Channel 24 transmits details.

Unemployed Ukrainians will work in public works

Denis Shmihal noted that in the context of a full-scale war, Ukraine needs to mobilize all possible resources for victory over the Russian invaders. This also applies to the organization of work in the rear.

Therefore, the government will approve a document according to which officially registered unemployed Ukrainians will be involved in socially useful work. We are talking about full-fledged citizens who during 30 days are not employed.

This can be rubble removal, construction of protective structures, landscaping, repair or agricultural work. What exactly needs to be done in each particular region will be determined by the local authorities,” Schmihal explained.

The Prime Minister specified that this work, of course, will be paid. The state will pay wages to everyone involved in a useful public cause in the amount of legally established “minimum salary” .

By the way, in this way, the government actually eliminates the possibility when people receive state unemployment payments and refused a job offered by the employment center.

In wartime conditions, the state does not have the resources for this . Everyone must either fight and defend the Motherland, or work for victory and for the front, – Shmihal emphasized.

It should be noted that according to the document agreed by the Cabinet of Ministers, the status and unemployment benefits will henceforth be just as lost< /strong> , if a person is abroad for more than 30 days during martial law.

At the end of his speech, the Prime Minister of Ukraine added that the task of the government today is simple and clear – everyone should work for victory , and for this you need to consolidate all possible resources.

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