Home ยป The Ukrainian Foreign Ministry has named the most promising format of a special tribunal for the Russian Federation

The Ukrainian Foreign Ministry has named the most promising format of a special tribunal for the Russian Federation

by alex

Creating a special tribunal on the basis of a bilateral agreement between Ukraine and the Council of Europe is the most promising format.

This was stated by the Ambassador at Large of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine Anton Korinevich< /strong> in The Hague.

Creation of a special tribunal for the Russian Federation: which format is the most promising

— We came to the conclusion that the format of creating a tribunal on the basis of a bilateral agreement between Ukraine and the Council of Europe is the most promising and one that should be followed, and, in fact, which should be developed in the future. Therefore, the Core Group continues to work, and we will definitely have more meetings before the end of the year, — he emphasized.

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Korynevych noted that issues regarding how judges should be elected, how the judicial corps will be formed, are already being discussed, since they will be included in the constituent documents, including the tribunal's charter.

— And we are also working on developing the relevant documents now, in particular, — the diplomat added.

According to him, the meeting of the Core Group on the creation of a special tribunal for the crime of aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine, which took place in September in Vienna, was positive according to the assessment of all who took part in it.

In Vienna, the Ukrainian delegation held the 11th meeting of the Core Group on the creation of a special tribunal for the crime of aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine.

As a result, an agreement was reached regarding the general concept of creating a special tribunal. The Core Group participants moved from general questions about the format of a special tribunal to discussing the draft Charter.

At the end of June, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) adopted a resolution on the Legal and Human Rights Aspects of the Russian Federation's Aggression against Ukraine, which speaks of creating a special tribunal for the aggressor country.

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