Home » The Ukrainian factor is present: what was the goal pursued in Iran

The Ukrainian factor is present: what was the goal pursued in Iran

by alex

On the night of January 29, unknown drones attacked military installations in Iran. So, the Ukrainian factor is present in this incident. However, it is not the main one, since it is a complex issue.

Thus, back in September 2019, Saudi Arabia signaled to the world that the Iranian regime is a global threat. About thisChannel 24Mohammad Farajalah, editor-in-chief of the Ukraine in Arabic portal, said.

The West has seen that Iran is a global problem

Unfortunately, in the West Iran was perceived as a regional threat – a problem for Israel and the Arab countries. American President Joe Biden changed the policy of his predecessor Donald Trump.

Biden stated that it was possible to negotiate with Iran and lift sanctions, that is, huge concessions were made to the country. However, everything changed after Iran took the side of Russia and began to supply it with weapons.

The Iranian regime took the side of Russia and began to transfer drones. Then the European Union saw these drones not in the Sahara in Saudi Arabia, but in the European sky, and immediately everyone came to the conclusion that the Iranian regime really posed a threat. – said the editor-in-chief of the “Ukraine in Arabic” portal.

Farajalah explained whether there is a Ukrainian factor in the explosions in Iran: watch the video

Iran was given a signal

The President of Egypt stated that if Iran tries to make any attempts to attack the Arab countries, they will defend together and fight against Iran. At the same time, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu considers it a matter of life to put an end to the Iranian nuclear program.

However, all conditional allies have not yet decided to start serious actions against Iran. The recent nighttime strikes on Iran may not “bleed it dry, but it is a signal”.They probably wanted to demonstrate to Iran the following:

  • explosions were heard at drone manufacturing facilities for Iran hitting its allies with them and also handing them over to Russia;
  • ammunition manufacturing centers , since any country needs a lot of projectiles to try to repel an attack;
  • oil refineries, since oil is the financing tool for Iran of all its forces.

“Yes, the Ukrainian factor is present here, but it is not the main one,” summed up the editor-in-chief of the “Ukraine in Arabic” portal.

Iran demands explanations from Ukraine

  • On the night of January 29, unknown drones attacked a defense complex in Iran. Explosions are known to have occurred in several Iranian cities. Particularly in the munitions manufacturing facilities and the refinery.
  • The incident was responded to in the Office of the President of Ukraine. Mikhail Podolyak, adviser to the head of the OPU, succinctly stated that “Ukraine warned Tehran.” However, the details of this incident were not announced.
  • On January 30, the Iranian Foreign Ministry summoned the Chargé d'Affaires for Ukraine in Tehran because of “comments on the drone strike.” The Alarabiya publication noted that the head of the Politburo for Eurasian Affairs handed a letter to the Ukrainian diplomat urging him to immediately provide official clarifications to the government of Ukraine.
  • Mikhail Podolyak commented on the call of the Ukrainian ambassador to Iran. He stressed that there is a certain logic in the war, and if a country is directly involved in the war, like the transfer of drones to Russia, then it must understand the consequences of its actions. Therefore, Iran should not have any claims against our state, since these are the consequences of its own actions.
  • At the same time, the adviser to the head of the OPU stressed that Ukraine had nothing to do with the attack. Moreover, our state, unlike Iran and Russia, does not interfere in the sovereign affairs of other countries.

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