Home » The Ukrainian Armed Forces continue to hold positions on the left bank of the Kherson region – Gumenyuk

The Ukrainian Armed Forces continue to hold positions on the left bank of the Kherson region – Gumenyuk

by alex

Defense forces continue to hold positions on the left bank of the Kherson region.

Natalya Gumenyuk, press secretary of the joint coordination press center of the Southern Defense Forces, stated this on the air of the national telethon United News.

She noted that despite the attempts of the Russians from time to time to make assault passes and test the strength of the Ukrainian defense, the positions were held.

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According to the speaker, the units of the Russian Federation that are located on the territory of Ukraine are very diverse, and sometimes clashes arise between them. But from time to time, competition arises between them as to who will be more effective at the front in Ukraine.

— They have internal discord, very obvious both in radio intercepts and in general behavior that we can observe through aerial reconnaissance. We see that there is no coherence in the enemy units. But from time to time they have competition over who will be productive in their stretch of responsibility. And in this case, they compete in the effectiveness of assault actions, — she said.

Gumenyuk assured that Ukrainian units do not give them a chance in this matter.

APU on the left bank

A few months ago, the Ukrainian military managed to land on the left bank of Kherson and create several bridgeheads there.

The landing on the eastern bank of the Dnieper was a complex, serious part of a large and large-scale military operation.

The defense forces continue to conduct a counter-battery fight, and the artillerymen are covering our soldiers located on the left bank.

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Our units use aerial reconnaissance and attack drones quite effectively, although difficult weather conditions have recently complicated combat work.

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