Home » The threat of disaster at the ZNPP: the enemy is dumping water from the Kakhovka reservoir – satellite photos

The threat of disaster at the ZNPP: the enemy is dumping water from the Kakhovka reservoir – satellite photos

by alex

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The actions of the Russian invaders create a threat of collapse at the ZNPP they have occupied. The other day, experts noticed a decrease in the water level in the Kakhovka reservoir in Zaporozhye.

This is not only fraught with a catastrophe at the Zaporozhye nuclear power plant, Europe's largest, but also threatens drinking water and agricultural production.

Satellite photos confirm the decline in water in the reservoir. They testify that since December 2022, the water level in the reservoir has fallen tothe lowest level in 30 years of observations.Now the level of the reservoir is at around 14 meters, that is, 2 meters below its normal height.

How the water level has changed over the year/NPR Photo

Why is it dangerous

Local authorities warn that if the level drops below 13.2 meters, the Zaporizhia Nuclear Power Plant's water-powered cooling system will be in danger. Gennady Timchenko, First Deputy Head of the Zaporozhye OVA, noted that in the event of a shutdown of the water supply, problems with reactor cooling would begin, which would lead to a disaster.

How the water level in the Kakhovka reservoir changed/Photo by NPR

Residents of:

  • Energodar,
  • Melitopol,
  • Berdyansk.
  • As late as last week, the International Atomic Energy Agency said it was aware of the potential risk associated with falling water levels.

    Even though the water level drop is poses an immediate threat to nuclear and security security, it could become a source of concern if allowed to continue,” CEO Rafael Grossi said.

    Help.The Kakhovka Reservoir is a huge artificial lake, which is the last reservoir in the network of reservoirs along the Dnieper River. Since the 1950s, it has been used to supply drinking and irrigation water to some parts of the southern regions of Ukraine. Zaporizhia NPP is under the control of the enemy. The invaders commit arbitrariness and put pressure on the station workers, forcing them to take Russian passports.

  • The entire international community, including the International Atomic Energy Agency, is monitoring the situation around the ZNPP. The IAEA is already finishing the deployment of permanent missions at Ukrainian nuclear power plants.
  • Earlier, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan spoke by phone with President Volodymyr Zelensky. As the head of state noted, in a conversation with a Turkish counterpart, they touched upon the topic of nuclear safety. In particular, the current situation at the Zaporozhye NPP. As Zelensky stressed, there should be no kafirs on its territory at all.

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