The threat of Belarus itself is Timochko about the placement of 150 thousand Russian military Angels Galesevich < Source _ngcontent-Sc215 = "" Media = "(min-width: 621px) and (max-width: 1920px)" Type = "Image/Webp" srcset = " amp; amp; output =webp&q=70">
< h2 class = "News-Subtitle Cke-Markup" > Why Belarusian On its territory
< p >The potential placement of 150 thousand Russian military in Belarus can be a serious threat to the country itself, because Belarus has a limited strategic depth.
60 ~ p class = “Bloquote Cke-Markup” > this is the threat of itself Belarus, ”Timochko emphasized.
< p > logistics of deployment of such large forces will be complex, especially given the need for ammunition, nutrition and technical support. In the case of active fighting, the accumulation of troops will become vulnerable to missile strikes, since the territory of Belarus is too small for effective masking of large departments. 62> Mozyr refinery and other production capacities that provide fuel military contingents , will become one of the first goals for strokes. This, according to Ivan Timochko, will further complicate the transportation of the troops.
< p class = "Insert cke-markup" > < strong > interesting! in the center of counteracting misinformation believe that Russia is able to start a war against the Baltic countries and Poland after 4-6 years, but under certain conditions. 62> such actions can also cause Internal discontent among the Belarusian population. Although Belarusians will not go with machine guns and pitchfork against Russians, the majority will not approve this development of events, because they understand that this can lead to significant destruction and blows on their territory. 62> when moving such large forces, the main routes and railway networks will be seriously overloaded, which is additionally paralyzed by the country,-said the chairman of the reservoir council. < >< p > despite the fact that that the dictator Vladimir Putin will probably not ignore the possibility of deploying troops in Belarus, such a decision will be extremely difficult and will require significant efforts on logistics and internal management. 62>