Home » The tactics for liberating Crimea are already clear: exclusive interview with Podolyak

The tactics for liberating Crimea are already clear: exclusive interview with Podolyak

by alex

Interview with Mikhail Podolyak/Collage 24 Channel

For the Russian BDK Minsk and the submarine Rostov-on-Don, September 13 was an unlucky day. And already on September 14, in Yevpatoria, our soldiers destroyed the enemy Triumph air defense installation. This has both a psychological impact and helps to understand a little the ways of de-occupation of Crimea.

Yes, the destruction of the enemy air defense system “Triumph” in Yevpatoria may have the goal of opening the skies above for the Ukrainian Armed Forces peninsula. Advisor to the head of the Office of the President of Ukraine, Mikhail Podolyak, inan exclusive interview with Channel 24explained how this affects the further liberation of Crimea.

Kim Jong-un came to Russia. It is not clear to us why, but perhaps you understand?

By the way, everything regarding the visit of the subject of the head of the State Council of the DPRK is clear. The emphasis is clearly placed.

Russia is experiencing certain problems with a shortage of resources, especially projectiles, including rockets for MLRS systems. And, of course, North Korea is ready to provide a certain size of shells. Unfortunately for us. We understand that Russia today is looking for an opportunity anywhere to compensate for the insufficient production potential of its military-industrial complex.

There are two problems here that Kim Jong-in solves. The first is to get food, because everything that Korea does is so “efficient” that at all costs it exchanges exclusively for food products. And they receive additional grain opportunities, additional products from Russia.

And the second component is to show that Kim Jong-un is a global player. Like, he sits next to Vladimir Putin, with another “global player”, and they decide the fate of the world.

They are ready to talk about imperialism, about the need to resist imperialism. That is, they talk to a country that attacked another country that this is how they counteract imperialism. This is an absolutely specific ideological coloring of the essence of countries such as Russia today and North Korea.

Therefore, Kim Jong-un will receive two components:products and this “global status” how he thinks. And Russia, unfortunately, I emphasize once again, will receive a number of tools to continue the war, to compensate for its resource deficits. This refers primarily to shells and mines.

Full interview with Mikhail Podolyak: watch the video

While we were asking ourselves the question whether Korea would give weapons to Russia, Kirill Budanov says that North Korea has been providing Russia with weapons for a month and a half. We are talking about 122 and 152 caliber shells, as well as missiles for the Grad MLRS. I understand that the world is condemning, but how will this affect the conduct of war?

Of course, the number of shells affects the conduct of the war, because it will be quite difficult to move on. But every projectile is still a projectile, and it flies at us. That is, it does not fly somewhere abstractly to the Moon, but in our country it is used exclusively on the territory of Ukraine.

But let us realize that in Russia there are not many tools, there are not many countries that will directly provide weapons. These are Iran and North Korea, which can provide drones, shells, etc.

There are other countries that allow Russia to receive scarce currency in order to purchase something as part of a parallel imports, allow you to bypass sanctions, etc.

And also “white” business – business with the jurisdiction of any countries, including European ones, that are still operating on the territory of Russia, on its consumer market and providing the opportunity to receive tax revenues. And using these incomes to purchase something.

Our reaction is obvious – we still need to move along the front line, regardless of whether Russia has reached an agreement with someone. On the other hand, this suggests that Russia has a huge problem. When they entered the territory of Ukraine, they could not even think that they would have a deficit.

Just think about it, there is a shortage of shells of 152, 122 mm calibers, D-20, D-30 to classic Soviet guns, etc. That is, they took into account everything they had and thought that these shells would be enough to completely fill Ukraine. But today we see that there is a certain shortage, including cruise missiles.

With ballistics it is even easier in Russia, because they have accumulated many of the same S-300s that can be reformat to “ground-to-ground”, that is, attack the border areas – Kramatorsk or Konstantinovka and attack with MLRS missiles or ballistics. But at least this indicates that Russia has certain deficits.

It is clear what we need to do – destroy, destroy and destroy again. On the other hand, there is, unfortunately, a reaction from the global community. What can they do other than publicly say that they condemn? What other tools do they have?

You see, there are no tools, because 20-year sanctions against Iran have led to the fact that they have a large production of missiles of a certain range, drones of various types modifications, etc.

As for Korea, everyone makes concessions, they say, this is a bad regime, but let’s still give them a little grain so that they do not train nuclear missiles or at least carriers of nuclear warheads.

Kim Jong-un flew to Putin/Screenshot from video

The world constantly gives something to replace it, which Korea seems to no longer provoke. Korea uses the food capabilities provided to it and six months later again enters into the same blackmail. This has already been happening for 70 years, I mean after the war on the Korean Peninsula.

Besides statements, you and I will not have anything significant. I even think that there will be no significant statements at the UN that will affect the reality of reactions regarding Korean arms supplies to Russia.

If Kirill Budanov says, deliveries have been ongoing for a month and a half. Then why did Kim Jong-un come personally?

He came personally, because it is important for Russia to show its citizens, who are absolutely aware that this is a “huge and a powerful” country called Russia, they say, everyone goes to Russia and meets Putin. The equally “outstanding” head of North Korea arrived; they met at the World Economic Forum.

That is, for Russia this is a primitive propaganda moment, and for North Korea it is also very important to show that they are meeting with global leaders, with a person who is part of the G20, and resolving issues. This is so primitive, but effective for the classic propaganda narratives of the 70s of the last century.

But Kim Jong-un was not used much on their TVs, they talked more about the G20. And even the so-called opposition, which outside Russia says that this friendship has always been considered strange. Everyone is saying that being friends with Kim Jong-un is the last thing that could be done, this is already the “bottom of the bottom.”

For Russia, the word “bottom of the bottom” is missing. They have no bottom. This country has not yet reached its bottom. You and I will see the real face of Russia when they begin to show rebellious behavior. Then everyone will finally forget about the comparison of “great Russian culture”, “great Russian people”.

It turns out that these were two parallel processes, this is a small number of people who simply had something to do with Russia. But the deep Russian people, they are exactly like that, as we will see when these irreversible processes of sorting out relations begin there.

However, official propaganda quoted quite a lot visit. There were such classical Russian dances around him. This suggests that they are completely disconnected from the world; for them it is very important to show Putin’s breakthrough technological meetings.

To show that the Russian dictator is not isolated, in the classical sense of the word, that he meets with people and resolves issues of war. But you and I understand that Putin and the world are two very different things. He will write the word “peace” and make four mistakes. Therefore, this is important for the Russians and their classical propaganda.

As for North Korea, Eritrea, Iran, they support Russia. For Russians, this is the entire global world. The Russians used all the ambiguous statements made at the G20 as a reason to say: “You see, Russia is still supported, not everything is so clear from the point of view of assessing the war. And everyone is tired of Ukraine.”

But this is not so. Unfortunately, there was not a strong enough presence of Ukraine at the presidential level, but there was a fairly tough discussion. And the G20 resolution clearly stated that territorial integrity and sovereignty are basic things, after which any other conversations about anything begin.

You and I understand that this means 1991 – that is, the border. There is nothing to talk about, because peace as such will not come from Russia. But let me make one more small remark. Putin doesn’t even talk about peace, he doesn’t want any peace.

I just don’t understand when someone else says that we need to come to an agreement, to negotiate. After all, Putin, even during Kim Jong-un’s visit and at the economic forum, when he spoke, says different things. He says: “Yes, we are ready to come to an agreement with them, but if they simply admit that we won the war.”

Korean and Russian dictators/AR

That is, he openly says that he will only fight. Putin directly tells everyone that Russia will attack Ukraine, but if our state admits that the Ukrainian Armed Forces will not attack, then they are supposedly ready to negotiate. He tells everyone frankly that these are negotiations about Ukraine losing the war. I don't understand if anyone else feels this?

“If the United States believes that Ukraine is ready for negotiations, then let them cancel Vladimir Zelensky’s decree banning them,” Putin said something like this at that economic forum, where there was not a word about the economy. p>

He can’t talk about the economy, because for him “the economy has already defeated everyone,” they have an “outstanding ruble.” Why should he talk about this? He is more interested in talking about what hurts. What hurts him? Humiliate, kill, rape people. This is his inner essence. He really enjoys watching people die.

What is the economy like? What will he talk about there? About the trams that cut off Berlioz's head? You see, even here about trams, but cutting off the head.

Anthony Blinken absolutely clearly sets out his position on the negotiations. He is absolutely right and says that Ukraine is ready to talk about peace. But which one?

He goes on to say that the world must be fair. And this means the peace formula that President Vladimir Zelensky talks about. Let me remind you, point 6, for me it is the first, to leave (Russian troops – Channel 24) beyond the borders of Ukraine.

Ukraine did not start the war, it does not want to fight. Ukraine is ready for peace, but Russia is not. Russia does not want to stop the war by leaving our territory, but to reserve a number of territories in order to continue the escalation, the war and, most importantly, not to lose and not to undergo internal transformation.

Today the bet is very simple – hit or miss. Obviously, if Putin goes beyond the borders of Ukraine, he is no longer there. That is, it is impossible in any form.

Everything they say there, like if Russia leaves the territory of Ukraine under pressure from the Ukrainian Armed Forces, this does not mean that the war will end. No, this will mean that the war will end, because Putin will no longer be the president of Russia.

This will be an automatic transfer of the war, its transition into an internal civil war in Russia. Whether someone wants it or not. If Putin does not go beyond the borders of Ukraine, this will mean that he will be there as long as he lives, and after him there will be his successor. Then you and I will really live in a constant feeling of war.

Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky says that we are mentally prepared for a long war. What is the moral state in Russia now? Yesterday’s reaction of Sergei Shoigu is mentioned, when he threw up his hands.

Vladimir Zelensky is absolutely right. He says that there will be no compromise. When he says that we are mentally prepared for a long war, he is saying that we are aware of what kind of war this is and how it should end.

That is, he clearly states that there will be no compromises. There will be no 2014, because it means the death of Ukraine as a state. Because, I emphasize once again, not a loss to Russia, not a panicked flight of Russia from the territory of Ukraine will mean that Russia will remain in this form.

And she will never forgive you and me for she was humiliated and she has been waging a “three-day war” for almost 19 months and will continue to do so until she loses. It is obvious. The President of Ukraine says absolutely clearly that we are aware of the price that we must pay and that we will pay if Ukraine does not win this war. Therefore, we are mentally prepared for a long war.

This does not mean that the war will be too long. It depends on other factors. This includes support from partners, timely supply of weapons, and effective operations conducted by the Armed Forces. They really run efficient operations. They bite into the first and even second echelons of defense. That is, everything is clear here.

Regarding Russia. Putin is a person who, in principle, does not take losses into account. He doesn’t care about Russia’s economic losses, isolation, financial losses, manpower. This is not a man who thinks about the good of his country. This is a person who thinks only about his ego. And therefore he demonstrates it primitively.

What does it mean? This means, for example, these manifestations of anti-Semitism. He even said something about Anatoly Chubais. This is the former head of Rosnan, who for 20 or 30 years sat at the top of the Russian authorities.

And Putin is gradually showing a low level of intelligence, a low understanding of historical processes, low empathy or its complete absence. And this is internal, what he lives by. And he lives by the Black Hundred ideology.

Psychologically, Russians are not only unprepared… They are shocked today by what is happening. But they don’t see a way out yet. While they have not yet agreed on what's next… I'm talking about the elites who have the appropriate tools.

The population is indifferent. It is scared and understands that it is losing its prospects. But, let's have no illusions, 80% or even more percent of the Russian population is absolutely aware of what Russia is doing in Ukraine; that she is killing civilians. And they support it. On the one hand, they are very scared, and on the other, they want us to be killed.

It is necessary that there are no other illusions in assessing public sentiment in Russia. But this does not mean that they will support Putin. You and I saw this in the example of Yevgeny Prigozhin. For them, in a matter of months, Prigozhin became their favorite. By the way, they treat Putin with great contempt. They just don’t show it because they are afraid.

Putin promised the elites another war/Getty Images

The elites are definitely in shock because they are losing everything. Both reputationally and financially, and they receive isolation. But so far they have not reached a consensus among themselves. They were promised that it would be a war like in 2014, or like in 2008 in Georgia – that everything would happen very soon. And after that they will somehow “fight with our partners” and receive some kind of concessions.

They thought that there would be sanctions, but then Ukraine would lose, and they would prove that there were “Nazis” here. After this, lobbyists there will begin to work very actively in Western political markets. And they will support the concept that Russia did not come to kill Ukrainians, but to “liberate Ukrainians” from some mythical Nazis, so sanctions need to be lifted.

And they thought that in 5 years after the war they will calmly withdraw from sanctions. They also thought that formally there would still be sanctions for these 5 years, but informally they would already be lifted, because everyone would think that Russia is not such an evil country. Do you understand? That is, the approach was clear. And for these business elites too.

They were promised this in the Kremlin when they began expansion in Ukraine. And today theymust understand two things:

  • The further Putin continues, the more he will show his misanthropic essence. He will not negotiate anything to admit his problems and get out of the war. The personal situation of each of the politicians, businessmen or financiers of Russia will worsen more and more.

They must understand that the further Putin remains in this form, as in Vladivostok, the less chance they have of physically surviving.

  • < p dir="ltr" role="presentation">the elite needs to move on to finding consensus, such as replacing the head of state and moving to another level of internal communication and how to get out of the war.

You can only get out of the war by losing it in full on the territory of Ukraine, and then come to some kind of controlled electoral processes, transition processes in Russia. They must realize this. Otherwise, everything will end quite badly for them.

What kind of reservations are these then, when Dmitry Peskov is asked, and he calls the Russian Federation the “P” word, and Shoigu shrugs when asked about “victories”?

Shoigu does not have objective information. Today they use Igor Konashenkov instead. He periodically voices there that the invaders “destroyed”. By the way, at the Eastern Economic Forum there was a fantastic phrase that they destroyed 18 thousand units of military transport in 2 months.

Do you understand? Putin said this. Destroyed 18 thousand in two months! You understand that there are people sitting in the hall, except for completely specific subjects… They look at this and understand that this is complete nonsense.

Shoigu is the person who supplies such information. But in parallel, when he meets not with “parquet” generals, but with field generals, they tell him that there is a shortage of shells and reserves. They don’t have time to move because they don’t understand where the main attack of Ukraine is.

Shoigu is a bit of a primitive person. Says these propaganda narratives that everyone was “defeated and destroyed by all HIMARS.” But, on the other hand, somewhere subconsciously even shamans understand that the nature of war is still objective. And everything looks different, so here and there they say it in their hearts.

Regarding Peskov. There is no point in analyzing anything here at all. This is a person living in another reality. He simply formally comments on something and does not track ongoing processes. It definitely does not analyze these processes. But he simply lives like this: “I came out of some state, said something and entered this state.” I mean simply an altered state.

He is busy with his life. It seems to him that he will be able to “get by” when he has to bear responsibility for everything they did.

The submarine “Rostov-on-Don” and the large landing ship “Minsk” were damaged in Crimea. Today in Yevpatoria the Russian Triumph air defense system was disabled. UAVs and Neptune missiles worked effectively on the target. Today Sky News wrote that Ukraine used “Storm Shadow” for yesterday's attack.

Sky News has its sources. And they can comment there, one way or another. We understand that everything we destroy in Crimea… For this we use Ukrainian equipment and weapons. But let's emphasize something else here.

Firstly, you see how effective these operations are. The Main Intelligence Directorate, the Security Service of Ukraine, the Air Force, the Naval Forces of Ukraine are doing an excellent job, and the General Staff is involved in planning. They clearly understand how to work on the Crimean peninsula.

This is the second Triumph destroyed. Its destruction means that you need to open the sky over the peninsula in order to more effectively attack military infrastructure: factories, bases, fuel and ammunition depots.

The tactics are clear and clearly followed. We, in fact, do not forget that it is necessary to interrupt the possibility of supply through the Crimean peninsula for the occupation group. This will be a very effective tool for waging war on the part of the Ukrainian Armed Forces. It scares Russia and brings material results – the destruction of specific volumes of equipment. This is a very important component.

Will this intensity increase? I think so. Because, after all, production of both drones and missiles is increasing. The President of Ukraine officially spoke about this.

Yes, it's not as fast as we would like. These are technologically complex processes. Also difficult from the point of view of working with partners. Because we need to purchase somewhere and build logistics. But all this is being done and will increase.

Regarding the large landing ship “Minsk”. This is very symbolic. There was “Moscow”, and now “Minsk”. Two ships with two strange names that are symbolic for us. For these two capitals decided on the maximum genocidal murder of Ukraine.

Therefore, the destruction of symbols is very important. This also psychologically affects both Russia and Belarus.

Let's still separate things when we talk about Belarus. I see quite positive examples of how the Belarusian opposition works today. She is increasingly active on international platforms. The Belarusian opposition is promoting the concept that Alexander Lukashenko should be fully recorded as a criminal who directly participated in the war and organized the genocide of children. This is a very important process.

Everything that we see in Yevpatoria, Sevastopol, and the partial control over the Black Sea that Ukraine is acquiring suggests that positive trends in the war both in offensive operations and in operations of a strategic plan to destroy the rear infrastructure of the Russians, they are proceeding very effectively.

It seems to me that these are good signals, including for our partners, regarding the need to significantly speed up resource assistance to Ukraine.

Read the second part of the interview with Mikhail Podolyak soon on the 24 Channel website.

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