Home » The struggle for power in Russia will gain momentum: new PMCs are created with a clear goal

The struggle for power in Russia will gain momentum: new PMCs are created with a clear goal

by alex

Gazprom has decided to create its own private military company. After the fall of the power of dictator Vladimir Putin, not only a struggle for leadership, but also a civil war may arise between all PMCs in Russia. , Director of the International Organization of Small Communities Alexey Buryachenko. It is known that the document refers to the new PMC as a “private security organization”.

Private campaigns are used for the war for power

Buryachenko is convinced that when there is a struggle for power in Russia after the defeat of Putin, everyone will use such PMCs in their own interests.

“Such armies will in every subject of the federation. Additionally, in large corporations that will fight for power during the unrest after the fall of Putin. This can lead to a civil war within the aggressor country,” he believes.

The political scientist gave the example of Ramzan Kadyrov, who had already announced the creation of the Chechen self-defense army. cke-markup”>Russia needs new meat

According to Buryachenko, Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu is trying to find a resource to fulfill the goals of dictator Vladimir Putin. Forced mobilizations are carried out in the aggressor country.

“Governors are given a plan of how many people they should give per month into the clutches of an invader. It's the same story in state campaigns. They're told, 'It's up to you, how much you're going to pay them or where to recruit.' We just need meat to throw them at Ukrainian positions,” the political scientist said. between major political players for influence. Therefore, Gazprom decided to create its own private military company.

  • Russian Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin has already signed the corresponding document. The document provides that the founders of the organization will be JSC “Gazprom Neft” with a share in the authorized capital of the “organization” of 70%. The remaining 30% will belong to the “private security organization staff center”.
  • The Main Intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of Defense notes that the creation of a “private security organization” is part of the so-called “arms race”, because political players in Russia are increasingly create their own private military companies following the example of Yevgeny Prigozhin and his Wagner.
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