Home » The story of a woman whose son and husband were taken to the dungeon, there is still no news about her beloved

The story of a woman whose son and husband were taken to the dungeon, there is still no news about her beloved

by alex

Yulia's husband is a retired military man. Long before the full-scale invasion, he went to serve the state and went through the ATO.

The Russians learned about this after the occupation of the Cossack Lopan. On April 5, they came with machine guns and demanded to hand over the ex-military, and in response to the refusal they took away their eldest son. Yulia told Channel 24 about this.

“We came in with machine guns in our hands and immediately asked where you were hiding your husband”

The Russians promised to let the guy go only when when a former soldier comes to the commandant's office. Moreover, they threatened to return if he was not found. To prevent information from spreading between people, phones were taken away.

According to the woman, she did not even know at that moment where her beloved was. However, after 3 days, a neighbor of the family, who himself returned from the basement, said that 46-year-old Andrei was already in the dungeon of the Russians. According to him, the man was beaten so badly that he could hardly be recognized.

He was completely beaten, his face was not visible. They did not even close his eyes, because there was nothing to close there. He had 200 to 220 blood pressure, even a protruding tongue. They thought he was dying. The son also saw it all, – said the woman.

Subsequently, fellow villagers saw the ex-military in other dungeons. Yulia tried to find the man, but they didn't let her see Andrey and didn't agree to let her out of the cellars. And if the son of Yulia was released after 11 days, then in relation to the man they were only “fed” with soon-released promises.

In May, due to acquaintances, the ex-serviceman was able to send a “Big hello” to the nearest ones, than he let them know that he was alive. However, there has been no news of Andrei since May.

Pay attention!There are two more missing people in the village: Fedyuk Vasily and Kotov Oleg.

There were many dungeons in the Kharkiv region

As of September 24, law enforcement officers know about at least 18 dungeons in the region. So, besides Cossack Lopan, the Russians mocked the Ukrainians in Balakliya, Kupyansk, Izyum, Volchansk and the like.

The Russians filled the places where the prisoners were kept with the maximum number of civilians.

They occupied the premises of the police buildings, where temporary detention facilities were located, which were not used during the war, but the Russians found a use for them, the police noted.

As the head of the investigation department said Kharkiv police Sergey Bolvinov, the Russians used atrocities against our people, often used tension for torture, tying wires to their fingers. Those who died as a result of torture were handed over to relatives in a closed coffin and forbidden to say goodbye and carry out the appropriate burial procedures.

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