Home » The State Bureau of Investigation conducted searches and seized the property of the former military commissar of Odessa in Spain

The State Bureau of Investigation conducted searches and seized the property of the former military commissar of Odessa in Spain

by alex

State Bureau of Investigation, together with local police, conducted searches in the Spanish real estate of the former head of the Odessa Regional TCC and Joint Venture of Odessa, Evgeniy Borisov.

This was reported by the press service of the State Bureau of Investigation.

It is indicated that criminal proceedings have been initiated against the former military commissar on several counts of illegal enrichment. The SBI detained the ex-official in July 2023, and the court placed him in custody. The suspect was dismissed from military service that same month.

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During the investigation, among other things, it was established that he acquired two properties in the city of Marbella, Malaga province in Spain. In particular, the official:

  • in December 2022, he organized the purchase in his mother’s name of a house worth more than 4 million euros, with a total area of ​​857 sq. m. m on a land plot of 1530 sq. m. m;
  • in February 2023, together with his wife, he purchased office space worth more than 500 thousand euros with a total area of ​​223.9 sq. m. m.

ГБР провело обыски и арестовало недвижимость бывшего военкома Одессы в Испании

ГБР провело обыски и арестовало недвижимость бывшего военкома Одессы в Испании

ГБР провело обыски и арестовало недвижимость бывшего военкома Одессы в Испании

ГБР провело обыски и арестовало недвижимость бывшего военкома Одессы в Испании

ГБР провело обыски и арестовало недвижимость бывшего военкома Одессы в Испании

ГБР провело обыски и арестовало недвижимость бывшего военкома Одессы в Испании

ГБР провело обыски и арестовало недвижимость бывшего военкома Одессы в Испании

ГБР провело обыски и арестовало недвижимость бывшего военкома Одессы в Испании

ГБР провело обыски и арестовало недвижимость бывшего военкома Одессы в Испании

ГБР провело обыски и арестовало недвижимость бывшего военкома Одессы в Испании

ГБР провело обыски и арестовало недвижимость бывшего военкома Одессы в Испании

ГБР провело обыски и арестовало недвижимость бывшего военкома Одессы в Испании

December 3, 2023, on the basis of a request for international legal assistance sent by the SBI, the National Police of Spain, with the participation of SBI employees, conducted searches in the villa and office space purchased by the relatives of the military commissar.

During the searches, documents were seized certifying the right of ownership and disposal of the above property by members of his family.

Based on the collected evidence and the request of the State Bureau of Investigation, the competent authority of the Kingdom of Spain seized this villa and office space.

Based on the investigation materials, the court seized the property, money and bank accounts of the ex-head of the Odessa Regional TsK and JV and members of his family.

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Among previously seized property:

  • Land plots with a total area of ​​more than 2 hectares in the Odessa region;
  • Two houses in Odessa with a total area of ​​more than 420 sq. m. m;
  • Householding in Odessa with an area of ​​78.5 hectares;
  • Two apartments and 1/3 apartment in Odessa;
  • Toyota Land Cruiser, 2023;
  • Car Mercedes-Benz G 63 AMG, 2022;
  • Mercedes-Benz EQV, 2022;
  • Car Mercedes-Benz GLE 400, 2021;
  • Porsche Macan GTS, 2016;
  • Audi A6, 1999, etc.

Earlier, SBU officers exposed and detained a criminal group that was involved in racketeering in the Zhytomyr region. The leader of this gang turned out to be the former vice-mayor and current deputy of the Korostyshevsky City Council.

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