Home » The son screamed from the window for help: in Kyiv, a woman tried to commit suicide in front of her children

The son screamed from the window for help: in Kyiv, a woman tried to commit suicide in front of her children

by alex

A 36-year-old woman from Kiev decided to kill herself in front of her little sons. At the time of the incident, the woman was drunk.

The unfortunate mother cut her hand with a kitchen knife. After that, one of the boys began to call for help.

What is the fate of a suicide

Upon police arrival, a woman with signs of alcohol intoxication was found in the apartment, sitting on the floor with a cut arm. Next to her were children – 2-year-old and 7-year-old brothers.

Law enforcement officers provided the woman with medical assistance in time and called an ambulance.

Law enforcement officers provide medical assistance to the victim/Photo by Kyiv police

My colleagues and I calmed the children and took them to another room to distract them from what was happening. Thanks to the fact that the 7-year-old boy did the right thing and called adults for help, we managed to arrive on time to the call and provide the necessary assistance to the woman. – said juvenile inspector Olga Buzko.

Sons of a Kiev woman/Photo by the Kyiv police

As a result, doctors hospitalized a native of Chernihiv region to a medical institution, and law enforcement officers took the boys to a children's hospital and passed the information to the employees of the service for children and families.

A woman from Kiev tried to kill herself in front of the children: watch the video< /strong>

According to Buzko, the relevant services will determine the further fate of the babies in the family, and the police will find out the reason for such an act.

Ukrainian in Poland threw herself under a car

A 42-year-old Ukrainian woman was rescued in Warsaw seconds before the tragedy. She threw herself under the wheels of a car after she learned that the Russians had killed her 20-year-old daughter in Ukraine.

The police said that it looked like a man wanted to throw himself under the wheels of cars. The patrol turned on the beacons, stopped traffic and approached the woman to help. However, she was in a state of shock, constantly breaking out and screaming.

The woman convinced that now she had no reason to live. Currently, she was hospitalized in the hospital, she is under the supervision of doctors.

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