Home » “The situation on the battlefield is difficult”: Stoltenberg called for more military assistance to Ukraine

“The situation on the battlefield is difficult”: Stoltenberg called for more military assistance to Ukraine

by alex

Stoltenberg called on allies to provide more assistance to Ukraine / Channel 24 Collage (photo by Getty Images and from open sources)

NATO head Jens Stoltenberg said that partners must continue to support Ukraine in the war against the Russian army. According to him, now the situation on the battlefield is difficult.

Jens Stoltenberg stated this on the eve of the meeting of the EU Council of Defense Ministers, Channel 24 correspondent reports in Brussels. He also noted that Putin does not want to negotiate a ceasefire, so military assistance to Kyiv is the only way to convince the Russian dictator of his defeat.

Supporting Ukraine in the interests of NATO

Jens Stoltenberg noted that against the backdrop of events on the battlefield in Ukraine, it is very important to strengthen support in order to make Putin’s victory impossible.

Intense fighting continues. The situation on the battlefield is difficult, and it is even more important that we maintain and increase our support for Ukraine,” Stoltenberg said.

Answering questions from journalists about peace negotiations with Russia, the head of NATO says that Ukraine must decide what conditions are “acceptable for negotiations.” For its part, the Alliance will continue to supply weapons to repel Russian aggression.

“No one can say how and when this war will end. We can say that the likelihood of an acceptable outcome of the negotiations increases, the more military support we provide to Ukraine,” he emphasized.

One million ammunition for Ukraine

Amid rumors of a failure to deliver a million rounds of ammunition to Ukraine, Jens Stoltenberg said that EU countries, together with the UK and the US, are increasing their production.

“I just visited Germany over the weekend and I am encouraged by reports that they are producing more, but also investing in increasing production capacity,” the head of the Alliance emphasized.

According to him, doubling military assistance from Germany means the allies are stepping up. For its part, NATO organized joint procurement of ammunition for member states.

The US said that lack of funding affected the war in Ukraine

US National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan said during his briefing that the lack of funding from the United States was already having an impact on Ukraine's ability to defend itself against Russian attacks. According to him, the country is currently experiencing difficulties in supplying our army.

“Every week it becomes more difficult for us to fully fund what we believe is necessary to give Ukraine the tools and capabilities it needs to defend its territory and continue to move forward,” Sullivan said.

At the same time, the adviser stressed that the United States is still capable of providing the military assistance that Ukraine is asking for. However, full funding will contribute to the effectiveness of this support.

This is already impacting our ability to provide what Ukraine needs, and this impact will only increase over time. – the White House representative emphasized.

Finally, Sullivan called on the US Congress to quickly approve the White House's request for assistance to Ukraine. This is necessary in order to prevent serious consequences for the defense of our state.

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