Home » The SBU detained an FSB agent with the call sign “007” in Zaporozhye: she was informed of suspicion

The SBU detained an FSB agent with the call sign “007” in Zaporozhye: she was informed of suspicion

by alex

An agent-collaborator with the call sign “007” from the Zaporozhye region was detained by counterintelligence of the SBU. Under the guise of a volunteer, she conducted intelligence activities.

As established by the SBU officers under the procedural leadership of the Zaporozhye Regional Prosecutor's Office, the collaborator was recruited by the Russian special services at the beginning of a full-scale invasion. Along with the call sign “007”, she received instructions from her curator on conducting reconnaissance and subversive activities in the region.

What the “secret agent” did for Russia

It is known that the traitor is a resident of the temporarily occupied Pohovsky district of the Zaporozhye region. She pretended to be a volunteer to disguise her criminal actions, and since the beginning of the full-scale invasion, she has performed various tasks for Russia. It is known that the woman:

  • because of her personal connections in the temporarily occupied territory, collected data on the members of the partisan movement in the south;
  • established contacts with Ukrainian defenders in order to establish locations deployment and movement of units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

To collect information about the Armed Forces of Ukraine, the traitor left the temporarily occupied territory in Zaporozhye, where she was detained by counterintelligence of the SBU. channel, however, law enforcement officers promptly exposed the attacker.

Investigators of the Security Service informed her of suspicion of high treason committed under martial law. The court chose a preventive measure in the form of detention for her.

Note. According to the Criminal Code, high treason is punishable by imprisonment for a term of 12 to 15 years with or without confiscation of property.

Activity and detention of traitors in Ukraine: latest news

  • On September 13, the Security Service of Ukraine exposed and detained three Russian agents in the Donetsk and Kirovohrad regions. Because of anonymous telegram channels, they rented out the places of deployment of the Ukrainian military to the occupiers.
  • In the Luhansk region, three men who turned out to be ex-regionals themselves agreed to cooperate with the occupiers. They headed the “occupation administration” and began active propaganda “team” work.
  • A Russian agent was detained in Odessa, who turned out to be the former head of criminal intelligence of the Department for Combating Organized Crime of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine. He collected intelligence, including in relation to the leadership of the SBU.

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