Home » The Russians will count each one: an aviation expert explained how powerful French air bombs are

The Russians will count each one: an aviation expert explained how powerful French air bombs are

by alex

France promised to provide Ukraine with 50 air bombs every month and is already doing so. Photos have even appeared on the Internet that confirm that there are bombs on the suspensions of our aircraft.

In general, the idea of ​​​​creating such weapons is not new. On this 24 Channel said aviation expert Konstantin Krivolap, adding that, unlike Russian KABs, French aerial bombs have a number of advantages.

What are the features of aerial bombs

For the Russians this will be a significant challenge, because bombs have different guidance systems. They were thought about creating them back in 2000. Then there were already means with which to strike, but it was not always possible to fly very close to the target. Then the question arose of how to correctly drop them on the heads of opponents.

Next they came up with what the Russians now call a control module, the French – AASM, and the Americans – JDAM. But they all have the same idea – to make a modular design, where it would be possible to provide the flight, control and guidance functions and the destruction function, – said the aviation expert.

Each country did it differently. For example, the American and French systems differ in cost by almost five times. After all, the Americans have JDAM quite cheap, but the French have everything more expensive.

The main thing is that the air bomb flies the same 50 – 70 kilometers , but the accuracy of this bomb or missile reaches one meter, which is why I say that the Russians will count each of them,” noted Konstantin Krivolap.

For example, Russian KABs do not have such precision. There are cases of allegedly targeted hits, but they are difficult to predict. But Western bombs definitely say 1 meter. That is, 50% of the weapons that were dropped on targets will fall within this diameter.

Russia daily shells Ukraine with CABs< /h2>

  • The Kharkov region is suffering from daily shelling. On March 14, the occupiers again shelled the area. They dropped a guided bomb on a two-story residential building in Volchansk. As a result of the attack, a building in the very center of the city was destroyed to the ground. Fortunately, there were no deaths, but one person was wounded.
  • On March 8, the Russians dropped KABs on the Sumy region. A day earlier, the enemy shelled the regional center. A hospital, a school building, and a water utility came under attack. Almost 30 wounded and two dead are known.
  • Regular shelling by KABs is also recorded in the Kherson region. There, on March 8, the enemy cynically struck first with aerial bombs and then shelled the city with artillery. There were people trapped under the rubble who could not be freed due to heavy fire. In propaganda channels, the occupiers called this shelling “celebratory fireworks.”

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