Home ยป The Russians said the reasons for the problems with charging of smartphones

The Russians said the reasons for the problems with charging of smartphones

by alex

General Director of ANO “Digital platform” Arseny Weltzin said the reasons for the situation in which the Russians may face problem when charging batteries of smartphones. This writes the Agency “Prime”.

In cases when the smartphone stops the charging to the end and stops the process by 70-80 percent, the likely cause of the problem may be associated with a defect of the gadget and the operating system. The owner of the phone is able to detect the cause, but to fix it needs specialists, he said.

The most popular reason for not charging the smartphone, Weltzin called breakage of the wire. And he has noticed that the same wire can charge another gadget but not to charge the other. The expert attributes this to the fact that the first device has enough available contacts, and the second is not enough, which just disintegrated.

The second popular reason of failure in charging the gadget is a damaged charging port. Sometimes the smartphone stops charging due to issues with the battery. This can be understood if the phone is charging slow, but quickly loses charge.

As less popular reasons Weltzin called problems in the operating system viruses and other rare crashes. The situation can be corrected by updating the operating system or resetting all the settings of the gadget. Importantly, the expert said, after a repetition of the problems with the charge it has to be addressed promptly, to avoid disrupting work and communicate. So you need to go to a repair shop where professionals can find the cause of the problem and solve it.

Informed expert Vladimir Gritsenko has dispelled the myth that smartphones are useful to fully charge to 100 percent and reducing the charge to zero percent. According to him, in this case a significant loss of battery capacity will occur within 300-500 cycles.

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