Home » The Russian Federation lost almost 90% of the military personnel accumulated before the invasion in Ukraine – US intelligence

The Russian Federation lost almost 90% of the military personnel accumulated before the invasion in Ukraine – US intelligence

by alex

During the full-scale war, Russia lost 315 thousand military personnel killed and wounded. This represents almost 90% of the personnel who were in the aggressor country at the beginning of the armed conflict.

This is stated in the American intelligence report.

It is noted that the Kremlin’s losses in personnel and armored vehicles inflicted by the Ukrainian military set Russian military modernization back 18 years.

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A recently declassified US intelligence report stated that Russia began a full-scale aggression in Ukraine in February 2022 with the participation of 360 thousand troops.

Since then, according to the report, 315 thousand Russian soldiers, or about 87% of the total initial number as of February 24, 2022, have been killed or wounded.

These losses caused Russia to relax recruitment standards and call up convicts and elderly civilians for deployment to Ukraine.

— The scale of the losses forced Russia to take extraordinary measures to maintain its combat capability. Russia announced a partial mobilization of 300,000 troops at the end of 2022 and relaxed standards to allow the recruitment of convicts and older civilians, — says the rating.

The Russian army has left 1,300 armored vehicles on the battlefield and is forced to reinforce these forces with T62 tanks manufactured in the 1970s.

By the way, US intelligence reported that near Avdeevka, the Russian Federation has lost 13 thousand military personnel and 220 combat vehicles since the beginning of the offensive.

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