Home ยป The Russian Federation attacked Iwashki drone in the Kharkiv region: there are dead and wounded

The Russian Federation attacked Iwashki drone in the Kharkiv region: there are dead and wounded

by alex

< IMG Title = "RF attacked Ivashka drone in Kharkovshchina: there are dead and wounded" width = "632" Height = "356" SRC = "https://cdn.fakty.com.ua/wp-content/uploads/2023/04/22/shvydka-dopomoga.jpg" class = "Main-image-thumbnail Dopor "srcset =" https://cdn.fakty.com.ua/wp-content/uploads/2023/04/22/shvydka-dopomoga.jpg 1280w, https://cdn.fakty.com.ua/wp-content/uploads/2023/04/22/shvydka-dopomoga-300x169.jpg 300w, https://cdn.fakty.com.ua/wp-cloads/2023/04/22/shvydka-dopomoga-768x432.jpg 768W "SIZES =" (MAX-WIDTH: 632PX) 100VW, 632PX " decoding = "async" /> < p > two people were killed, another received severe injuries when shelling Ivashkov of the Kharkov region.

< h2 > attack by Ivashkov drone March 9: what is known

< p > Ivashkov attack occurred on the afternoon of March 9.

< p > on the village in the Zolochevsky community of the Kharkov region, the Russians hit a drone.

are now watching < p > as a result of shelling < strong > male and man were killed .

62 > 62 > 62 > 62 > < p >< strong > Another man was severely wounded .

62 > 62 > 62 > 62 > < p > the victim is taken to the hospital, said the head of the regional military administration Oleg Sinegubov.

< p > Recall that around midnight on March 9, dried -ups of the Shaped type, launched by Russians, twice entered the Lyceum building in the Balakley of the Izyumsky district. in the district center of primary health care, the employment center, the Center for Children's and Youth Creativity and two cafes, windows flew out, and two cars were destroyed. ~ 60 > < p > in the village of Kochetok, the Chuguevsky district, two miners fell into the economic structure, causing a fire.

< p > full-scale war in Ukraine lasts 1 110th day.

< p > on an interactive map of hostilities in Ukraine and on a map of air anxieties in Ukraine, you can monitor the situation in cities. < p >

< p >

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