Home » The roof went completely: Putin said who is to blame for the blockade of Leningrad

The roof went completely: Putin said who is to blame for the blockade of Leningrad

by alex

Russia's writing of its own, alternative history has become her routine. This time, for example, interesting “facts” from the Second World War were “revealed”.

The Russian dictator exposed them during events at the Leningrad Defense Museum dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the breaking of the blockade of the city, writes Channel 24. He stated that representatives of “many European countries” participated in the blockade of the city during the World War.

New fantasies about history

Thus, Vladimir Putin said that at that time representatives of many European countries committed crimes against Russians. Moreover, this happened not only on the Leningrad front, but everywhere. “It is enough to look at the blue division near Stalingrad,” the dictator said.

However, until that time, historians hid this secret out of tolerance and a desire not to aggravate relations between countries.

Representatives of very many European countries participated and committed crimes in the blockade of Leningrad. Because of a certain tolerance and in order not to spoil relations, not to spoil the background of our relations, we have never talked about this before,” Putin said.

At the same time, Putin stressed that it is necessary to preserve historical memory, so that nothing like this happens again. But, according to him, there are separate parties that deliberately forget these facts.

However, the leader of the terrorist country did not want to add more details and name specific states. He left empty spaces in order, probably, to fill them in later with the names he needed.

What is known about the blockade of Leningrad

It lasted 3 years – from 1941 to 1944, and during this time communication with Leningrad was maintained only by air and via Lake Ladoga. German, Finnish and Spanish troops surrounded the city. Since the city did not prepare for a protracted blockade and did not have an adequate supply of food, many residents died due to starvation during the blockade. that Putin is not the first time distinguished himself with knowledge of history, taken from the ceiling. For example, even before the start of a full-scale invasion, he said that Ukraine seemed to have been invented by Lenin when he created the Soviet Union.

Interestingly, the dictator later clarified what happened after the death of Lenin himself. Like, it happened “according to his principles”.

Who created it? Lenin Vladimir Ilyich, when he created the USSR. True, after his death, but according to his principles,” Putin said.

He also noted himself as the author of pseudo-historical articles that Ukrainians and Russians are “one people”, where he traditionally tried to convince that Ukraine as a state never existed. They say that all its land and the people who inhabited this territory were “primordially Russian.” All because he needed reasons, albeit invented ones, to justify before the Russians themselves, in particular, the invasion of Ukraine.

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