Home » “The risk of world war is becoming real”: what indicates this

“The risk of world war is becoming real”: what indicates this

by alex

Recently, almost all the world's analytical centers have been predicting a major war. There are certain signs that prompt you to prepare for such a development of events.

About this 24 Channelsaid the president of the public organization “Liberal Democratic League of Ukraine” Artur Kharitonov, noting that many of China's actions reflect the current map of the world.

How great is the threat of World War III

He believes that China will support Russia until the end of its existence, and vice versa. This is a reality that needs to be acknowledged. However, another question arises whether Ukraine can use certain concessions from China to make long-term planning. 10 – 20 years that await us. Because almost all the world's analytical centers, including American ones, predict that there will be a big war.

The Great War, that is, the Third world,” noted Kharitonov.

According to him, leading generals of the US Army, speaking before Congress, argue that the United States needs to prepare not for a simultaneous war with China and Russia, but also with the DPRK, Iran and other autocracies.

What signs indicate this

At the same time, he noted that now everything is being done to avoid World War III, and this can produce results. The fact that even China has now become talkative is the result of containment, and this is a positive thing.

But this risk is no longer futuristic, but absolutely real,” said Kharitonov.

Therefore, he concluded, we need to prepare for such a scenario, taking into account what is happening between autocracies and how China supports Russia and unfrozen the DPRK.

In general, added the president of the public organization “Liberal Democratic League of Ukraine”, much of what Beijing does reflects the current map of the world.

Is Russia a threat to NATO countries: briefly

  • Germany received information about the preparation of a Russian attack on NATO. As German intelligence sources note, this is evidenced by a significant buildup of Russian military power. It is predicted that this could happen from 2026.
  • At the same time, NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg said that Russia is not currently threatening the member states of the Alliance. If such a need arises, NATO is ready to activate Article 5.
  • The construction of the largest NATO base in Europe has begun in Romania. In size it will be like a small city with an area of ​​almost 3 thousand hectares. Up to 10 thousand soldiers with their families will be able to stay there permanently.

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