Home » “The red lines have been moved”: a military expert on US permission to strike along the entire Russian border

“The red lines have been moved”: a military expert on US permission to strike along the entire Russian border

by alex

“The red lines have been moved”: military expert on US permission to strike along the entire Russian border Anzhelika Galesevich

Politico, citing American officials, writes that the United States allows Ukraine to fire American weapons at the Russian border “anywhere” in the event of a threat of attacks, and not just in the Kharkov region.

From a military point of view, such a decision expands the geography of the use of American weapons across Russian territory. Military expert Sergei Grabsky explained 24 Channel what political overtones this situation has.

What is evidenced by the US decision

According to the military expert, logic has finally won in the US. After all, there is no point in giving weapons with one hand and prohibiting their use with the other. If the aggressor can form its units and concentrate military potential on the border with Ukraine with impunity, then all this must be destroyed before crossing the administrative border.

Considering this decision, there is talk about changing the emphasis in international treaties on the non-proliferation of nuclear weapons. The task of strikes with weapons with a range of more than 300 kilometers in the “ground-to-ground” algorithm is considered as a potential use of means that can carry a nuclear charge.

“We can congratulate ourselves on the fact that the United States made a logical decision, having analyzed or assessed the threat of potential use of nuclear weapons by Russia. Of course, we will wait for an official statement, not a publication. However, this may already indicate that the Americans have pushed back the red lines. Having a certain Ukrainian optimism, we can say that after a certain period of time, as a result of painstaking, intense, constant work and pressure, the good old Tomahawk missiles will appear in the skies of Ukraine,” Sergei Grabovsky suggested.


A family of American subsonic cruise missiles manufactured by Raytheon. They are long-range strategic and tactical missiles that fly at extremely low altitudes and avoid terrain. The missile is available in many versions, including various warheads (including nuclear ones), launch from various platforms, etc. After the signing of the 1987 agreement between the United States and the USSR on the elimination of intermediate-range and short-range missiles, ground-based launchers and ground-based missiles were removed from service, which were destroyed in 1991 in accordance with the order of President George W. Bush to remove from service a significant part of tactical weapons. Source: Wikipedia

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