Home ยป The reason may be banal, – Spirit suggested why Akhmetov leaves the media business

The reason may be banal, – Spirit suggested why Akhmetov leaves the media business

by alex

Yarema Dukh about Akhmetov's exit from his own media business/Collage 24 channel

Rinat Akhmetov announced his withdrawal from his media business due to the creation of a register of oligarchs in Ukraine. However, the reason may be much more banal.

An expert on political and strategic communications, Yarema Duh, told Channel 24 about this. According to him, Akhmetov's explanation looks like an attempt to find a good and logical explanation for getting out of this business.

The real reason can be much simpler

Duh notes that the law on oligarchs was signed several months ago. And it is difficult to imagine that Akhmetov, who manages huge enterprises, took such a long time to make the appropriate decision. It is also hard to believe that he did it in a hurry.

According to the expert, Akhmetov could leave his media business for a much more banal reason – financial optimization.

It looks to me like an attempt to find a good logical explanation, but I think that the reason may turn out to be much more banal and more prosaic. I think that this is all because of the financial issue, – said Yarema Duh.

He admits that sometimes it is difficult to believe in the simplest explanations. However, it is worth recalling that media business is not a cheap pleasure. And it can be assumed that “Media Group Ukraine” was not profitable or commercially profitable.

That is why this whole project requires a lot of money. In all likelihood, Akhmetov decided not to spend big money on his own media business anymore.

Recall that on July 11, Rinat Akhmetov announced his withdrawal from his own media business “Media Group Ukraine” because of the register of oligarchs, which is being created in Ukraine. He gave all the licenses to the state.

Representative of the Supervisory Board of the Rinat Akhmetov Foundation Natalya Yemchenko stressed that the oligarch did not transfer his media to the state. But only licenses for broadcasting.

Let's add that Media Group Ukraine includes a number of popular TV channels and other media and platforms. Among them:

  • TV channel “Ukraine 24”,
  • TV channel “Ukraine”,
  • Youth TV channel ULO TV
  • TV channel Indigo TV,
  • thematic channels “Football 1/2/3”,
  • international channels Ukraine 1/Ukraine 2,
  • NLO TV 1/NLO TV 2 ,
  • “TV channel 34”,
  • Donbass TV channel,
  • Sigma TV channel,
  • “New Group Ukraine”,
  • Multimedia platform TODAY,
  • Baying Media Partnership,
  • satellite speech operator Xtra TV,
  • OTT platform OLL.TV ,
  • Vogue.UA project.

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