Home » The priest raped the altar boy for 12 years, and then accused him of “provoking”

The priest raped the altar boy for 12 years, and then accused him of “provoking”

by alex

A sex scandal broke out in Poland / Unsplash

A huge sex scandal has broken out in Poland. The guy stated that when he was an altar boy in the church, he suffered sexual abuse from the priest. This lasted 12 years.

Back in 2015, ex-altar boy Shimon converted to the Catholic Church. He complained that he had been sexually abused by a priest as a teenager. At the same time, the curia was in no hurry to consider the application. In the end, the guy was forced to turn to journalists and law enforcement officers.

Subsequently, Shimon said that he grew up in a family that was far from the definition of “happy.” In adolescence, he began to communicate with the priest. When he began to commit sexual violence, Shimon complained to his parents. In response, the priest brought them 500 zlotys.

Everyone kept silent about the violence against the teenager

Shimon said that everything went on for years. The priest plied him with alcohol and raped him. When Shimon told about this during one of his confessions, the priest began to celebrate mass in another church. Everyone kept silent about what was happening, and Shimon continued to suffer.

What the priest said

The priest admitted that he raped Shimon. He made an absurd statement that the guy allegedly provoked him, in particular, with his clothes. In cases of sexual assault, it is ALWAYS the perpetrator's fault, not the victim's.

Now the priest faces what may be the harshest sentence in history for a church minister accused of sexual abuse.

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