Home » The price of victory: activist Pavel “Istorik” Dobrotvorsky died in a battle with the invaders

The price of victory: activist Pavel “Istorik” Dobrotvorsky died in a battle with the invaders

by alex

Paul “Historian”: “I am psychologically ready to accept death and I want to have no fear at this moment”/Photo by Pavel Dobrotvorsky's Facebook

“Istorik” is the founder of the youth NGO “Call of Yara”. On February 24, without hesitation, he took up arms and joined the army. Unfortunately, on June 18, during a combat mission in the Kherson region, he died from artillery shelling.

What is known about Pavel Dobrotvorsky?

“Istorik” was born in Cherkassy. Last winter, he became a master of history at the National Pedagogical University. Drahomanov. He worked as a history teacher at a school. For many years he was engaged in the national-patriotic education of youth. In 2020, he founded his own NGO “Call of Yara”, where he held summer camps for children and patriotic events throughout the year.

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Friends about Pavel Dobrotvorsky

Friends knew that “Istorik” was preparing to die in battle with honor. However, they still cannot recover from the loss. Friend of Pavel Dobrotvorsky, activist Serhiy Mazur writes that Ukraine has lost a wonderful Person.

 The price of victory: activist Pavel "Historian" Dobrotvorsky died in a battle with the invaders /em></p>
<p dir=Channel 24 photographer Valentina Polishchuk was also friends with Historian. He says that Pavel often joked about his death, but now he is forever reunited with his native Cold Yar.

The price of victory: activist Pavel "Istorik" Dobrotvorsky died in a battle with the invaders

“My heart broke into molecules”/Facebook screenshot by Valentina Polishchuk

About dreams and life of the “Historian”

Pavel told his friends that he dreams of creating a place where he can educate conscious and patriotic youth. And so it happened. In the spring of 2020, Historik, together with like-minded people, acquired territory in Kholodny Yar, where they built a place for a summer children's camp. As Pavel noted, Kholodny Yar is a symbolic and powerful historical area.

Taras Shevchenko wrote about Kholodny Yar, where Maxim Zaliznyak led the Haidamak uprising. And also there were signs of the battle of the Kholodnoyarsk people of the UNR against the Bolsheviks. It was these events that Yuri Gorlis-Gorsky described in his novel Cold Yar. This book was symbolic for the “Historian” and inspired the popularization of Kholodny Yar and the further struggle for Ukraine.

 The price of victory: activist Pavel "Istorik" Dobrotvorsky died in a battle with the occupiers Yara

In November last year, Pavel went to the Netherlands to visit the grave and honor his ideological mentor Yevgeny Konovalets.

 The price of victory: activist Pavel "Historian" Dobrotvorsky died in a battle with the invaders em></p>
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“Life needs movement”

As friends of the “Historian” say, the main credo of his life were the words – “Life requires movement.” Therefore, in his 25 years, Pavel managed to do a lot. He traveled a lot around the world, popularized Kholodny Yar and set as an example such Ukrainian figures as Yevhen Konovalets, Vasily Stus, Yuri Gorlis-Gorsky and Pavel Skoropadsky.

In one of his last messages Pavel Dobrotvorsky said:

This is war. And they will die on it. And maybe I'll die too. However, I am psychologically ready to accept death and I want to have no fear at this moment. So that the katsap does not see how afraid I am. In the general history of the state, I am only an element, like all of us. And dying now is an honor. We will be examples for the next. How cold-hearted are for us now. I can die and that's it. Like you and our parents. In battle or under the rubble of destroyed buildings. However, now, while alive – fight and learn. A baking sheet, everything, as Gorsky said. For the horse of the one who takes my place, and nothing under the sun will change.

The price of victory: activist Pavel "Historik" Dobrotvorsky died in a battle with the invaders

Pavel Dobrotvorsky in Kholodny Yar during the children's camp/Photo from Facebook Pavel Dobrotvorsky

A very sad symbolism. Today we said goodbye to Roman Ratushny, who defended Protasov Yar. And our Historian today, who most of all loved his Kholodny Yar, – Pavel's friends note

Farewell to the “Historian”

NGO “Call of Yar “the announcement and all the details of farewell to Pavel were distributed:

“Tomorrow at 12:30 on the Square of Glory in Cherkasy, the honor of the memory of the Historian will take place. We invite you to salute the Man who has become the mouthpiece of Ukrainian nationalism. There is an opportunity come to Cherkassy from Kiev by bus. Pick up at 8:00 near the Kharkivska metro station. To confirm the reservation of the place, please contact this number: +380680346886 (Ekaterina). As for the flowers, they are only alive, as the Historian wanted in the will. We do not say goodbye. You you will live forever in our images and in the continuation of the common cause. Thank you for the Chin, Brother.”

The editors of Channel 24 express their sincere condolences to the families and friends of Pavel “Historian” Dobrotvorsky.

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