Home » The Presidential Office unveiled its own vision of Ukraine regarding the deblockade of ports

The Presidential Office unveiled its own vision of Ukraine regarding the deblockade of ports

by alex

Deblockade of the seaports of Ukraine/Getty Images

Turkey can become a mediator in the dialogue with Russia. Daria Zarivna, adviser to the head of the OP, published her own vision of the deblockade on June 8.

Turkey is a mediator, but we need weapons for security

< p class="bloquote cke-markup">Ukraine has its own vision of deblocking our ports. As Volodymyr Zelenskyy said, a scheme was proposed for a safe maritime corridor through which ships of any partner state can pass. Necessary security guarantees in the Black Sea. Turkey can become an intermediary in dialogue with Russia for the allies, the message says.

Also, one of the options was proposed by the head of the Office of the President of Ukraine Andriy Yermak. He expressed his opinion about the military convoys of partner countries, as well as providing Ukraine with anti-ship missiles for security. Andriy Yermak also discussed food security issues at a meeting with G7 ambassadors.

Zarivna writes: “When the head of the European Council, Charles Michel, at the UN says that Russia is using global hunger as a weapon, this demonstrates an understanding that the war of the Russian Federation against Ukraine concerns Europe and the whole world.”

What is known about the possibility of deblockade ports

  • It is known that due to Russia's full-scale invasion of Ukraine, certain areas of Kherson, Zaporozhye and Donetsk regions remain occupied. Therefore, Ukraine has lost control over seaports and cannot supply grain abroad.
  • Denis Shmygal says that due to the blocking of ports there is a shortage of food at the global level.
  • Subsequently, it became known that that Turkey and Russia intend to discuss the issues of de-blockade of Ukrainian ports. Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov is due to arrive in Ankara.
  • The US State Department believes that no special changes are expected from this meeting.
  • Zelensky noted that Ukraine is actively negotiating grain exports, but Our representatives were not invited to the discussion in Turkey.
  • At the same time, the President of Ukraine claims that the state is ready to export grain. But only weapons can be a powerful guarantee for this.

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