Home » The population of Transnistria refuses to sign contracts with the Russian army

The population of Transnistria refuses to sign contracts with the Russian army

by alex

Reluctance to sign contracts with the Russian army was recorded in Transnistria. In addition, mass desertion began there.

Such data was made public in the Main Intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine on September 8. They talked about what the Russian command is doing in the occupied territory of Moldova.

What problems are Russians experiencing in Pridnestrovie

According to our intelligence, the Russian the leadership of the army tried to launch a broad recruitment campaign in the quasi-republic. This failed despite promises of high cash transfers, welfare packages and likely housing. The main reason there is the unwillingness of the locals to fight on the territory of Ukraine.

Moreover, many “volunteers” who decided to sign a contract at the beginning of the war either died or are in the status of missing persons, the GUR noted.

Also, against the background of the events in Ukraine, problems began in the “operational group of Russian troops in Transnistria. One by one, employees began to desert. At the same time, the limited number of military contingents does not allow using the resource to search for the “missing” soldiers.

Troop exercises in Pridnestrovie have begun

In this “operational group” Russian commanders decided to conduct personnel training. They took into account the experience of military operations in Ukraine, therefore, they made significant adjustments to the training program. In particular, they increased the number of classes with logistics units and military medical assistance.

At the same time, the outdated rear material and technical base hinders. It does not allow to qualitatively improve the level of readiness of logistics units. The situation is approximately the same with the training of military doctors: the number of classes has been increased, but outdated approaches are being used. This applies both to the provision of first aid on the battlefield, and to further evacuation and provision of medical supplies.

The military is provided with old equipment and supplies:

  • techniques;
  • medicines;
  • individual dressing bags;
  • rubber bands.

Often it was all made back in the days of the Soviet Union.

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